
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pictorial update LOL wut.

Thought I'd squeeze in a bit of time to blog a few photos! Applause plzzz. And my stomach feels very weird now I blame it on the three banana pancakes I had just now teehee. 

Bookmark from Ikea for cleaning trays lolwut. 

Lunch that I got Pau to buy back for me during Saturday study programme yay ~_~. Ate only like one of the fish and the other one got eaten up by the boys cause I couldn't finish it LOL. 

On Saturday when WT rode me to the bus stop on his bike ~_~. FAT THIGHS HAHAHA.  

Sunday's lunch oh goodness. 

Old bingo set found when cleaning up the storeroom! 

Also found a whole lot of childhood/baby photos but here are just a few out of the many! 3/4 of them was taken in Indonesia aww :-(. 

(one of my) FAVORITE SNACK(s). Haha must eat in moderation or else sure jelat until can die lol trust me I learnt the hard way :-(. 

Stickers I prepared for Gan for our date on Wednesday :3. 

And had subway mmmm egg mayo with honey mustard and bbq sauce BEST. SANDWICH. EVERRRR.  

Study plan :-(. 

Bowl of snacks while doing E Maths TYS P2 doritos caramel biscuits and some satay biscuit thing from thailand LOL. 


Webcam photo I took on Friday night when I wanted to blog (but ended up not because I got lazy oops) to show off my awesome (to the ten thousandth power) spongebob pullover that I got from Australia for like 20 bucks LOL.  

Yesterday's dinner+dessert with study date of the day *_*! Studied at NEX again and wanted to go to the library but it was so TINY so we studied at Mac's instead. I managed to finish my Chem package 3 (WOOHOO) and 3/4 an A Maths P1 paper not bad for under 2.5h! 

Spent a good 1h and 15minutes today packing my study table and finally cleared all the junk teehee. 
Bought like four pen and one box of correction tape refills from Popular because the nice cashier gave me a voucher of 20% to use ytd since I was a member so I went crazy and bought so many pen refills LOL.  Should have went ahead and bought stickers and stapler bullets too BUT I FORGOT :-( :-( :-(. Lol aunty Jerlyn. 

Random mishmash of stuff in the other drawing ranging from stickers to mac happy meal toys to post it's to ipod's to thermometers. 

Also organized the stuff under my table in a $1.20 Ikea box HAHAHA SO CHEAP (aunty jerlyn adventures part 2) and my stitch slippers baawww. 

Anyway have gotten back most of my mock exam results and I'm happy about all those that I have received (haven't gotten Lit and A Maths). So far 2A1's(e maths and chem), 1A2(physics) and 2B3's(english and ss)! Most happy about Chemistry because improved a lot, from 50+ to a 80+ teehee okay hope to continue improving goodluck to everyone (and me)!!! 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"I won't let, I won't let real life bring me down"

Hello blog. Mock exams are finally over... But that means that O's are coming soon (27 more days to be exact).

I have never studied so hard in my entire life before but time and time again I remind myself that it isn't enough and that I should be doing more. Others are scoring L1R5 score of 13 and me..? 19.. For L1R4 prelims. Wtffffff honestly. Friends keep telling me they see me study so hard until they also stress but frankly speaking I still don't think it's enough :/.

Today was supposedly my rest day after working on mock exams but after resting for like two hours since I got home at 5++ pm I doubt I even deserve this break. Shall do the Maths worksheet Mr Loo gave and complete my Chemistry paper. Shall mark my Chemistry TYS tomorrow.

P.S. I lost like 30 marks for A Maths paper today oh nuuuuuu :'(.
P.P.S. Rather happy about the improvements in all the mock exam papers that I already got back (Except for E Maths which I deproved by like 0.6% but still happy!). Hope I keep improving LOL.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Food, food, more food, and other stuff.

Dinner at Aston's a few weeks back! 

Spagz for dinner :9. With bacon and egg mayo teehee. 


Whole bowl of clams (??) that I ate HAHAHAHA. 

What I saw when I asked Kim to go to the toilet with me one day HHAAHAH so cute la sia. 

Buys from Taobao! Plus another pair of black lace shorts! Very happy with all of them except for the denim shorts cause it looks weirdddd :-(. 

Lunch on Friday when I was sick! Asam laksa flavor yums :9.

Favorite song at the moment :-).

DONE WITH PHYSICS AND CHEM TYS. Except for section B LOL. But Miss Nad wants me to keep doing cause once isn't enough :-(. 

SUSHI SUSHI DINNER my parents bought back cause I was sick yeyz ~_~. 

Saturday's lunch before 2.5hours of A Maths plane geo lessons :-(. Guijin bought me daohuey and Weiling bought me cookiessssssssssssssss hehe. 


OOTD to relative's baby first month on Sunday with my new denim shirt weeeee. 

Kitkat bites which Jianhong bought and lovingly shared with me baaaawww. But it ended up transforming my almost healed sore throat to a cough :-(. Huo gai LOL. 


Duck rice for dinner :-). 

Why it came as a shock to almost everyone that I got a B4 for Chinese O's :p.

Large fried chicken that I bought today to go home to eat. Not very nice :-(, $4.20 wasted. 

Bet I'm going to be MIA again for like ten thousand and one days haha but you can't blame me O's are in a month and I need to get my A game on :-(. GOODNIGHT. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Missing in action

Hello I can't post photos from my phone again booooooooooo so I'm sorry for my (almost) week long hiatus!!
It's 4am and I couldn't sleep (what's new) so hello wello jello.

1. Kengpum's birthday on Monday!
2. English and SS mock exams on Tuesday and Thursday.
3. Northern Ireland came out for SS SEQ. Very very happy about it.
4. Second in class for English yay yay yay 33/50 :-).
5. Slept at 9pm on Thursday dafuqqqqqq.
6. Woke up with a bad sore throat this morning and had a fever that lasted for like five hours at night.
7. Mama told me I can't eat peanut butter bread and it makes me sad.

I know I've said this a thousand times but I am so flipping scared for everything oh no no no. Scared that I won't live up to everybody's expectations of me ("you're expected to get an A1 because you're an ex pure Science student" etc etc). Scared that I won't be able to get into my desired course. Scared of the competition. Scared of having people compare me to my cousins/friends. Scared scared scared of disappointing myself and everyone around me.

I should probably sleep now. GOODNIGHT.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Felt like I never really mentioned anything about my O's preparations.

Honestly I feel like I haven't been doing a lot. Well I guess it's true that I've been doing work like everyday. I have my study plan with what I plan to do on that day but sometimes I only end up doing 1/3 of the subject that I planned to do :-(.

I guess this is the hardest I have ever worked... But really I'm afraid that it isn't enough. I'm afraid everyone else is doing much more work than me. It's scary to see everyone work so hard too and the pressure is just intense. And if I'm not studying I will feel SUPER guilty LOL... Like if I'm just out for dinner I will be like OH NO I NEED TO GO HOME NOW TO STUDY.

Well it's 2:05am and I won't do a single work now even if I tried cause it's time for me to get ready to sleep cause there's school tomorrow :-(.

Here's my study plan for weekdays!
4pm: Dismissed from school. IMMEDIATELY GO HOME.
5.30pm to 8pm: Reach home and immediately bathe and have dinner + rest a bit (8am to 4pm was school I deserve a break too right D:)
8pm to around 2am: STUDY ALL THE WAYYYYYYYYYYY + rest in between.

And on weekends..... is just study all the way (unless we go out for dinner at night) LOL. Really cannot afford to slack anymore. It's never late to work x103839921019382 harder than I already am. Wish me luck yay :-).

Friday, September 7, 2012


 First and foremost I want to thank Daryl, my parents, my brother, my computer, my friends, my (non existent) cat, my toilet bowl, my bed, myself.............

Lol my character died and Daryl place a rose in front of the grave -_- 

Phank you Daryl for dying with my char/crafting equip/training/PQ/maple knowledge/being my sidekick/parter in crime, Connie for the 900k, KP for like the 8m+ and equip, Gabriel and Samuel for PQ and etc etc. HAHA a bit sad though that I left my Cass character for this Bootes mechanic :-(.

 OKAY THAT'S ALL FOR MY GEEK POST OF THE DAY hahahahahaha bye I need to study more and more :-(.

P.S. Daryl already uninstalled Maple and he's only going to continue after O's so I'm going to do so with him!!! Besides I can't play if he doesn't play cause we already have a pact to always train together HAHAHAHA. This is for the best!!!!!!! Tackling SS tomorrow cause I've been focusing on Science and Maths too much woooooooooooo I can do this.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Hi sorry for not updating in a week I got lazy (haha what's new) cause to blog photos now I have to upload them somewhere and take the image url yadda yadda instead of just blogging it straight from my phone CAUSE THE APP STILL ISN'T WORKING PROPERLY :-(. 

Went to Carl's Junior at NEX to study with best fwen. CHILI CHEESE FRIES WERE DA BOMBZ. 

$6.21 froyo we shared at Sogurt boohoohoo so expensive. I think cause I put too much mochi and that's like the heaviest topping hehe oops. 

Neighbor's came over for MJ so mama cooked mee goreng  for them and I got to eat some (in a Winnie the Pooh bowl) :9. 

Trying on hws shorts from Cotton On with Shaynnie! I want them but mama already helped me order shorts from Taobao for like super cheap like each pair average price is $7!!!! Just hope they end out alright LOL. 

Made me super full meh. Lesson learnt: Never order Ai-Yu jelly again. 

2am grocery shopping at NEX Fairprice hmmm. 

A Maths papers again; what's new. 

Lunch!! Banana with honey and cinnamon and taiwan sausage yum yum yum. 

Had A Maths lesson and after class for our lunch Mr Loo ordered........ 8 medium pizzas, 2 large pizzas, one box of honey wings, one box of spicy drumlets, garlic bread and those cheesy biscuits with nacho cheese thing. IS HE THE BEST OR WHAT :*. All these for around like 15 people only!!!! 

Accompanied Ng to eat his lunch (yes after pizza) (I didn't eat) and then went for band to check on our percussion juniors with Azwan and Ali! Cause apparently we received complaint that they aren't up to par :-(. Hehe but I still love them to bits teeheehee. 
Anyway this is me wearing Ali' Dr Marten's creepers hahaha most expensive shoes on my feet deserves a photo of recognition. 

Went to school and did work! Then Azwan accompanied me to 7-11 cause I was hungry (hehe thanks) LOL and I bought $3 microwaved Mac&Cheese and peach tea yum :9. 