
Sunday, September 9, 2012


Felt like I never really mentioned anything about my O's preparations.

Honestly I feel like I haven't been doing a lot. Well I guess it's true that I've been doing work like everyday. I have my study plan with what I plan to do on that day but sometimes I only end up doing 1/3 of the subject that I planned to do :-(.

I guess this is the hardest I have ever worked... But really I'm afraid that it isn't enough. I'm afraid everyone else is doing much more work than me. It's scary to see everyone work so hard too and the pressure is just intense. And if I'm not studying I will feel SUPER guilty LOL... Like if I'm just out for dinner I will be like OH NO I NEED TO GO HOME NOW TO STUDY.

Well it's 2:05am and I won't do a single work now even if I tried cause it's time for me to get ready to sleep cause there's school tomorrow :-(.

Here's my study plan for weekdays!
4pm: Dismissed from school. IMMEDIATELY GO HOME.
5.30pm to 8pm: Reach home and immediately bathe and have dinner + rest a bit (8am to 4pm was school I deserve a break too right D:)
8pm to around 2am: STUDY ALL THE WAYYYYYYYYYYY + rest in between.

And on weekends..... is just study all the way (unless we go out for dinner at night) LOL. Really cannot afford to slack anymore. It's never late to work x103839921019382 harder than I already am. Wish me luck yay :-).

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