
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Results *_*.

The whole end of EOY atmosphere has already came and gone and everybody has stopped talking about it but I was just looking through my report book just now (lol haven't hand in heh oops) and wahlaoooo my Sec 1 results were so good!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I got like 5th in class and 8th in level for MYE...... L1R5 was ONE digit okay ONE!!!! If now still can get these type of results... :'''') cry river already I tell you.

And well I guess I'm rather satisfied with this year's MYE, though I think I could have done better. Nonetheless I think I did relatively okay! Must aim to get a lower L1R4 for this coming prelims and O's....

And might be going to Genting again this June holiday hope my mum can get leave!!!!!!!! I am a very happy girl :-).

Monday, May 28, 2012

Marking day wooooo.

Photos from marking day outing! Went to Marina Square and then to Cineleisure with Kim and Ling woo. 

Weiling's hair looks so pwetty!!! 

Was craving for lasagne so went to Pizza Hut to eat nomz. Kim claims she doesn't know how to pronounce lasagne LOL. 


Headed to Cineleisure to catch a movie but me being the ass I was, last minute I said I didn't feel like watching (even though we totally planned this to watch a movie heh...)  and my very nice friends decided to just put it off aww I am sorry :-(. Went to take $6 neoprints *_*. 

And here you see what I wore that day............... wah super face palm can I wore my USS shirt to Orchard wah regret the moment I left my house but couldn't go back to change cause anybody who was late had to treat the others beef pies ($5 each okay no joke). 

I lyke my shoulder blades/collar bones LOL. 

Most awkward pose award to me thanks HAHAHAAHAHAHA. 

The naked girl sticker so cute right wth. 

And then Weiling bought Best Fries Forever and they were yumz. 
Anyway I actually took the effort to brighten that picture cause the original picture was very dark!!!!!! 

Bye. I have a sore throat and it hurts so bad. Pau scold me for eating muffin HAHAHAHAHAHA. 

MT O's are over!

All the Chinese... Finally over.

We all survived one week of intensive MT lessons. 7.50am to 3.25pm, no joke. Could have died. Although it did get more bearable towards the end.

The O Level paper was crazy had I swear. Could not understand the BZBD question which is what I studied for so ended up doing argumentative AGAIN like in MYE. Zzz, hope I pass. Paper 2 was a killer I swear. Mentally died like 176 times. And there was a blackout and a lot of screeching noise (by the mic maybe?) halfway throughout the paper. PSH so distracting the least they could do was give us a bit more time right!

Hehe after that went for lunch with Kim. Meh Rubi at TM mega sale now $5 shoes okay too bad didn't bring money. Might be going tomorrow again!!! Wait for Weiling finish English lessons and went to Ikea to makan and then they came to my house and took the LRT for the first time HAHAHA.


Thursday, May 24, 2012


She's such a good friend to you guys but you all just don't treat her with the amount of respect and care she deserves. Seriously? You all go around together all the time leaving her out, then if she goes with others who treats her better, you all get angry and blame it all on her when you're the one pushing her away from you guys. If you all aren't going to appreciate her then others will happily take your place. I guess I'm in no position to say all these but I can't stand at the side just watching you treat her like that. It's bloody unfair.

Anyway on a side note prelims start on 25 July (x_x) but it ends on 7th August TWO DAYS BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY ohyeah. Aloysius told me we both can get hungover as much as we can on our birthday's (his one day before mine) cause school only starts on 13th August >:-) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


This year had Aloysius, Andy, Weijian, Cheukheng, Aaron, Karqi, Yin Min and Yuli and me in the captain's ball team! Hurhur, good bunch of people. Except for me. I ran around the entire time lol awkwardzzzzzzz but I did manage to get the ball a few times HAHA. Weijian is super good, he catches like almost anything and everybody else is just tall and gigantic boomz so we had a pretty good team ;-).

And surprisingly at the qualifying round, we won ALL FOUR games. It was so good knowing we could enter the semi finals with 5N1, 5N2 and another sec 4 class!

Versus 5N1 in the semifinals and I was so scared...... During the game Channie would block me but HAHA she was super nice!!!! Everytime we accidentally bumped into each other she'd apologize and then we'd continue playing again LOL. AIYO once she took the ball that I could have took and I was sad :-(. But anyway we managed to win in the end so it was 5N2 and 4E1 in the finalssssss.

Mr Pau was in 5N2's team HAHA. It was such a nerve wrecking game everyone (except for like ten people) was cheering for 5N2.... Which kinda sucks cause like I said only a handful cheered for us so boo. Morale down down down.

It was we score they score we score they score and it got down to 4-4 in the end arrrggghhhhhhh had to do a tie breaker thing and the crowd just went wild all were screaming for 5N2 during the tie breaker and at that moment I just felt so terrible sigh where are all the people from our class??????? In the end yes 5N2 won everyone cheered and danced and all while the 4E1 team just slowly walked back to the canteen lol.

I was so disappointed I swear. In sec two, 2E1 lost to 2E3 in frisbee and we got second place. Last year at the handball game we did very well in (and I managed to find out I can actually be a good goalie hehehe) we lost to 3E1A and got second place again. This year, we won all the first five games but still ended up losing to 5N2 and got second place again.

Last sports fiesta for us already and we can't get the first place for once... But am proud that I was in all the second place (which is the highest we have ever achieved looooool) teams since sec two HAHA. Although I did like close to nothing in the frisbee game but the rest I participated quite a bit leh! HAHAHAHA. Aloysius Karqi Yinmin also has been in the same team as I since sec two HAHAHA. And LOL if having at least two girl in EVERY game wasn't compulsory I think the guys wouldn't have called me to join. But still honored that they even asked me instead of the others HAHAHAHAHA.

Anyway today Kengpum say I run in the field that time cute *_*.

Okay this is a long wordy post I should stop now. BYE. Oh and on a random side note, Andy told me about this O2JAM app ^_^ hehe I used to play it when I was younger on my cousin's computer. iPhone version not bad though I still preferred the original keyboard ones!!

Look at my combo streak!!!!!!! Hurhur. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Humanities, intensive MT, and investiture.

You build up hope, but failure's all you've known.
Remember all the sadness and frustration and let it go, let it go.


Got back my humans marks! 17/25 and 18/25 for Lit and SS respectively le sigh, exactly 70/100. Disappointed but rather happy since I didn't concentrate so much on humans this year :-). And Ms Nadiah needed my marks for the combined Chem tests and wahlao I forgot bring one of them and I think I got 22/30 but I told her I got 21/30 instead............................ together with my other test which I got 23/30 22 and 21 makes a difference of ONE grade leh, one is A1 one A2. But sigh getting an A2 instead of getting an A1 shall be my punishment for even forgetting to bring it. Anyway I also lazy go check again but I knew I got an A for that test soooooooooooo.

These pictures are up above on the instagram widget thing but still thought I should still post about them cause if not I'd have no pictures and that's not good. 

Currently reading The Concubine's Daughter. Similar to my lit book in a way, both talk about the superiority of man over woman in the Chinese society. 

Ever since I got an iPhone and went into sec three haven't been reading as much as I used to :-(. It's either too much tests or too much homework and even if I'm free I'm too lazy to read a book LOL. Finished The Book Of Tomorrow in like two days (I left half of it unfinished)! Super good book, and I only got that book for $5 and I know other places sell it for so much more than that hurhurhur. 

Jerlyn class leader and student council worhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *_*. Congratulations to me I managed to stay in the council without Mrs Teo kicking me out. 

Was only notified like yesterday without any rehearsal or whatsoever that we had council investiture the next day lololol. Immediately told everyone I possibly knew (no I kid) to clap for me AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA most shameless girl award please thanks (second place can go to Weiling or Gan). 

All the councillors had to walk down the hall first wahlao like embarrassing only................................ so awkward. Though when I was walking down Edmund called me and waved aawww I felt so loved ^_^. Someone also went to shout "KENGPUM!" as I was walking down LOL and I like turned AHAHAHA wahlao. 

You know how scary it is to go up on stage in a prize presentation people will be clapping for some some loud and some like none at all IT IS SO NERVE WRECKING later you go up and nobody claps for you do you know how embarrassing it is LOL x_x. So before me was Agnes and Batchimeg and people were clapping for them and I was like shitttttttttttttt but hehehehe so happy when I went up I could hear that the amount of claps I got was louder than them AHAHAHAHAHA I COULD HAVE DIED OF LOVE ON THE SPOT *_* x 129829381908293801. 

After I walked back to my seat I passed by 5N1 and 5N2 and Gabriel the pau and some others were like looking at me with that super sly look LOL and Gabriel was like did you hear what we said? And I was like no cause I didn't hear anyone shouting anything LOL FROM WHAT I HEARD FROM THEM TURNS OUT WHEN I WENT UP 5N1 AND 5N2 LIKE PEOPLE ALL SHOUTED KENGPUM'S NAME AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA even Jacob told me he could hear when he sat like so far away. But I didn't hear and I was rather sad :-(. 

But I'm berry happy and I feel very loved *_* hoho some said the people cheering when I went up very loud HAHAHAHAHAHA if I die now (IF) I will die with no regrets because I love the world so. Oh and my socks were super high okay it was so embarrassing. 

Anyway super annoyed at this tweet I saw today lol zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wtf  someone said the investiture was a waste of time (this is excused but this year's one wasn't as long) and totally implied (if not directly said) the council were dogs. And I honestly don't believe it was meant as a compliment la. 

Even if one of us did something to you doesn't mean you have to insult the whole council right? Actually even if one of us did something to you it still doesn't give you the right to call them a dog. Unless they called you that or something la but that's another thing on it's own. Even if the investiture was a 'waste of time' doesn't mean you can't show the least bit of respect right? 

Some of us (definitely not me but still) actually work very hard in the council, giving in their all for everything, trying very hard to properly plan events for the whole school. What gives her the right to call us dogs? Scold me for being overreactive but how would you feel if someone just calls you a dog without rhyme or reason? 


Anyway on a side note. 

Been having intensive MT training and please look at my whole stack of Chinese papers to do x_x. 

Today we had a paper 1 test and I did the wrong questions twice. First I still had like 1h plus to redo, then I redo already realize I do wrong question again then left 15 minutes to try and do as much as I could wahlao :-(. Fail to the twenty seventh hundred power. Speaking of which we have classes tomorrow from 8am-12pm x_x. WISH ME LUCK. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Chinese... And more Chinese.

Today was the second day of Intensive MT training. Sigh dragged till 4.30pm...

Well anyway today my Chinese teacher asked the whole class a question from our MYE paper about whether family or school education is more important. She asked like four people (our class only has eight people btw) before asking me to answer but she still hadn't found the answer she was looking for so when she asked me and I answered she told me my answer was the one she was looking for. Then she told me that like I'm very sharp in my thinking, like I know and can find the important key points of the question, that's why I could score around the same as the others in my class for Chinese but problem is, I'm too lazy la that's why I still failed (only Mark passed in our class).

Okay I admit I did laugh at the last part but idk leh, like I felt kind of touched that she praised me leh. Then I felt kinda bad cause I know she tries her hardest to teach our class and make sure we all can pass but sigh sometimes I think we just disappoint her. Especially me, forever talking to Daryl, forever not listening, forever using phone in class lol.

Today she also told me to start to speak Chinese until our Chinese O's and I did, even after our lessons ended. I spoke to Kim and Weiling in Chinese HAHA and then they both sabo me tell my teacher I only speaking cause I'm in front of her and she smiled and said it's good enough HAHAHAHA so cute!!!!

Thing is, it isn't the fact I don't want to do well, I just can't do well at all. Sure I might get borderline passes but it's so hard. I guess this mindset just makes me want to give up trying cause my Chinese forever cannot do well.

Well I don't know laaa. I just hope I stop thinking like this already and just work hard these few days and pass my Chinese O's. I want to make everyone especially my Chinese teacher proud.

Anyway here's a picture of her I took from Yseult HAHA. She's so cute!!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

MYE 2012 results post yay.


Today was a good good day. Got back Chem, Physics, English, E Maths, Chinese and A Maths papers today!!!

The first paper I got back (excluding E Maths) was Chem and whoa my results were not satisfactory at all. I got 42/65 and I was the lowest among the three of us who dropped to combined in our class.

I mean, maybe to others it's good la, but thing is I really expected I could have done better, even aiming for 50 and above. What a joke I made of myself sigh. And the rest got A's, which is what is expected of us since we used to take Pure Chemistry, whereas I got a B and ahrndjkskxkxmwmwlqldjdn that feeling just sucks okay.

Physics was damn hard, and I thought Chem would pull me up but nahhhhh. In the end I got 40/65 which I was really happy about cause I was the highest among the three of us and the paper was really hard and I really expected to do badly.

So got a B4 for Science overall, not that good since like I said we're expected to get A1's.. But hey ho, better than expected.

Everyone was so scared for English because this was the HARDEST English paper no doubt. My teacher said only a few passed the second paper (compre questions) and I heard from others that only like ten or so people passed in the WHOLE level.

Overall I'm very happy with my English haha, my letter writing in section 1 really pulled me up.

Letter writing - 22/30
Composition - 17/30 (boo I even wrote four pages some more)
Paper 2- 23/50 (but I might be adding two more marks hurhur)

So overall I got 55.5/100 excluding the two marks that I might get yessssssssss passed English booyeah ^_^. Also this is probably one of the best results I got for English! Hope CA doesn't pull me down cause I failed my Common Test 1.

E Maths:
Realized today I got 47/50 for section A which is crazy friggin good but got 35/50 for section B which pulled me down so bad omg........ I mean yes it's good but to think first time I can get so high for section A but then to have section B pull me down is disappointing sigh. Plus 82 isn't very high as compared to the rest of my class. Still happy though.

Listening comprehension - 16/20 (OH YEAH)
Paper 1 - 26/60
Paper 2 - 26/70
Oral - 25/50
Overall - 46.5/100

One word: EXPECTED. Happy about listening compre though cause discussed answers with Juliana after the paper and my answer like all different from her LOL...........

A Maths:
Wait for it..... Wait for it.......
I PASSED A MATHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 57/100 omg when I saw my marks (which was highlighted cause it's the lower few marks but i don't care HAHAHAHA) on the class list I WAS SO HAPPY I SCREAMED (for a short while and not very loud in my defence) AND CRIED LOL like legitimately there were tears in my eyes ahdhdjwnwksmfkoqlqkkskdkdkzmz first time I passed A Maths on the first try omg happygirl96. Okay then he went through the paper and I didn't listen cause it was already 3plus and we were all just not in the mood for A Maths which is rather bad x_x.
So now all that's left for me to get back is Social Studies and Lit yesssss please let me get at least a B3 :( because A2 which is what I usually get for both combined is quite impossible :(. Goodnight!

I wanted to blog about something else here too but nvm this post shall just be on my results so it doesn't get too messy! Anyway here's a picture of Mr Loo's comment on my paper hehe *_*.

Australia Day 9!

Hi I'm going to blog about something that happened like eleven months ago I've probably forgotten everything but nvm pictures are nice to look at aren't they. By the way I'm setting this as a scheduled post :-).

I'll probably be a very sad Jerlyn when I finish posting these pictures up. And I broke my DSLR the day before these pictures were taken I know right so wasted especially since this day we went to so many places with such good lighting and such good scenery it just wasn't as nice using the other camera and I was really depressed LOL.

Went to this hugeeeeeeeeeeeee playground area thing for who knows what reason but we only had like five minutes to play sigh. 
Can you just look at how big the place was and can you spot the big blue slide at the back haha. 

Headed to Phillip Island! 

Pretty scenery :'). 

HAHA Li-Nelle! 

The weather there was so weird but good in a way! Bright and sunny you can feel the heat but yet cold and super windy at the same time! HAHA I was the most bundled up one there how the rest can just survive with one jacket I don't get. I had like three four layers...... 

HAHAHAHAHAHA big and small! 

Headed to a random shop nearby for the most awesome beer battered fish and chips omg.......... 
But in Australia they rarely have tomato or chili sauces and it was just not the same without sauce! So my mum bought this super small packet of tomato sauce and I sparingly ate like every last drop no joke. 

Went to this like historical and animals area place thing next LOL. Very descriptive I know thanks.

I tried to take a picture with the horse but it went to sniff me instead... okay :(. 

Matches my blog background! 

Hey there! 

And check out what we found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There were so many okay it was crazyyyyyy.


And then we went to the koala conservation centre!
There were trees everywhere and the place was huge but we only managed to see like a few koalas :(. 


Had time to spare before our penguin watch thing so we went to another part of the island yes that island was huge. 

We walked all the way down okay okay okay can you see slopes behind it was so colddddddddddddddddd T_T. And I walked and walked hoping to see some seals or birds but turned out there were none LOL okay :-(. 

Hehe we bought tickets for the better seats so we could see the penguins up close!! Yes I saw penguins and they were small ones they were so cute I almost died and there were so many and one of them even got lost and waddled off far away.

The holes are where some of them stay hahaha. 

Okay so photography wasn't allowed there boo BUT THE PENGUINS WERE SO CUTE T_T and there were sooooooooo many it was so crazy I swear after one huge group waddles in from the sea ANOTHER huge group waddles in and another.. and another.. and another. And it was dark yet we could still see them omg and you could hear them THEY WERE SO CUTE AHHH *_*. 

Oh cause it was dark and at one point me and the other two girls (Li-Anne and Li-Nelle) and my brother we went to the boardwalk that linked the seats area and the like entrance to the 'VIP' seats (sorry la I cannot think of a better word to explain LOL) so that we could see the penguins more close up and follow them as they walked further and further and suddenly I realized my brother was missing and I panicked LOL and we went around searching for him and it turned out my brother he walked too far off on his own and when he tried to get back in (cause you need a ticket to enter back in) HE COULDN'T AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA so my father had to go and get him back from the security guards omg it was so funny. 

There's what the penguins look like AWWWWWWWWWWW. 

Oh and then we had Chinese food for dinner. Not the greatest fan of Chinese food but I guess the food there was good though! Although I really did wanted pizza at first. 

Okay ending went back to Li-Anne and Li-Nelle's house to sleep. I miss Australia. I am now a very sad Jerlyn :(.