
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

MYE 2012 results post yay.


Today was a good good day. Got back Chem, Physics, English, E Maths, Chinese and A Maths papers today!!!

The first paper I got back (excluding E Maths) was Chem and whoa my results were not satisfactory at all. I got 42/65 and I was the lowest among the three of us who dropped to combined in our class.

I mean, maybe to others it's good la, but thing is I really expected I could have done better, even aiming for 50 and above. What a joke I made of myself sigh. And the rest got A's, which is what is expected of us since we used to take Pure Chemistry, whereas I got a B and ahrndjkskxkxmwmwlqldjdn that feeling just sucks okay.

Physics was damn hard, and I thought Chem would pull me up but nahhhhh. In the end I got 40/65 which I was really happy about cause I was the highest among the three of us and the paper was really hard and I really expected to do badly.

So got a B4 for Science overall, not that good since like I said we're expected to get A1's.. But hey ho, better than expected.

Everyone was so scared for English because this was the HARDEST English paper no doubt. My teacher said only a few passed the second paper (compre questions) and I heard from others that only like ten or so people passed in the WHOLE level.

Overall I'm very happy with my English haha, my letter writing in section 1 really pulled me up.

Letter writing - 22/30
Composition - 17/30 (boo I even wrote four pages some more)
Paper 2- 23/50 (but I might be adding two more marks hurhur)

So overall I got 55.5/100 excluding the two marks that I might get yessssssssss passed English booyeah ^_^. Also this is probably one of the best results I got for English! Hope CA doesn't pull me down cause I failed my Common Test 1.

E Maths:
Realized today I got 47/50 for section A which is crazy friggin good but got 35/50 for section B which pulled me down so bad omg........ I mean yes it's good but to think first time I can get so high for section A but then to have section B pull me down is disappointing sigh. Plus 82 isn't very high as compared to the rest of my class. Still happy though.

Listening comprehension - 16/20 (OH YEAH)
Paper 1 - 26/60
Paper 2 - 26/70
Oral - 25/50
Overall - 46.5/100

One word: EXPECTED. Happy about listening compre though cause discussed answers with Juliana after the paper and my answer like all different from her LOL...........

A Maths:
Wait for it..... Wait for it.......
I PASSED A MATHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 57/100 omg when I saw my marks (which was highlighted cause it's the lower few marks but i don't care HAHAHAHA) on the class list I WAS SO HAPPY I SCREAMED (for a short while and not very loud in my defence) AND CRIED LOL like legitimately there were tears in my eyes ahdhdjwnwksmfkoqlqkkskdkdkzmz first time I passed A Maths on the first try omg happygirl96. Okay then he went through the paper and I didn't listen cause it was already 3plus and we were all just not in the mood for A Maths which is rather bad x_x.
So now all that's left for me to get back is Social Studies and Lit yesssss please let me get at least a B3 :( because A2 which is what I usually get for both combined is quite impossible :(. Goodnight!

I wanted to blog about something else here too but nvm this post shall just be on my results so it doesn't get too messy! Anyway here's a picture of Mr Loo's comment on my paper hehe *_*.

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