
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Australia Day 9!

Hi I'm going to blog about something that happened like eleven months ago I've probably forgotten everything but nvm pictures are nice to look at aren't they. By the way I'm setting this as a scheduled post :-).

I'll probably be a very sad Jerlyn when I finish posting these pictures up. And I broke my DSLR the day before these pictures were taken I know right so wasted especially since this day we went to so many places with such good lighting and such good scenery it just wasn't as nice using the other camera and I was really depressed LOL.

Went to this hugeeeeeeeeeeeee playground area thing for who knows what reason but we only had like five minutes to play sigh. 
Can you just look at how big the place was and can you spot the big blue slide at the back haha. 

Headed to Phillip Island! 

Pretty scenery :'). 

HAHA Li-Nelle! 

The weather there was so weird but good in a way! Bright and sunny you can feel the heat but yet cold and super windy at the same time! HAHA I was the most bundled up one there how the rest can just survive with one jacket I don't get. I had like three four layers...... 

HAHAHAHAHAHA big and small! 

Headed to a random shop nearby for the most awesome beer battered fish and chips omg.......... 
But in Australia they rarely have tomato or chili sauces and it was just not the same without sauce! So my mum bought this super small packet of tomato sauce and I sparingly ate like every last drop no joke. 

Went to this like historical and animals area place thing next LOL. Very descriptive I know thanks.

I tried to take a picture with the horse but it went to sniff me instead... okay :(. 

Matches my blog background! 

Hey there! 

And check out what we found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There were so many okay it was crazyyyyyy.


And then we went to the koala conservation centre!
There were trees everywhere and the place was huge but we only managed to see like a few koalas :(. 


Had time to spare before our penguin watch thing so we went to another part of the island yes that island was huge. 

We walked all the way down okay okay okay can you see slopes behind it was so colddddddddddddddddd T_T. And I walked and walked hoping to see some seals or birds but turned out there were none LOL okay :-(. 

Hehe we bought tickets for the better seats so we could see the penguins up close!! Yes I saw penguins and they were small ones they were so cute I almost died and there were so many and one of them even got lost and waddled off far away.

The holes are where some of them stay hahaha. 

Okay so photography wasn't allowed there boo BUT THE PENGUINS WERE SO CUTE T_T and there were sooooooooo many it was so crazy I swear after one huge group waddles in from the sea ANOTHER huge group waddles in and another.. and another.. and another. And it was dark yet we could still see them omg and you could hear them THEY WERE SO CUTE AHHH *_*. 

Oh cause it was dark and at one point me and the other two girls (Li-Anne and Li-Nelle) and my brother we went to the boardwalk that linked the seats area and the like entrance to the 'VIP' seats (sorry la I cannot think of a better word to explain LOL) so that we could see the penguins more close up and follow them as they walked further and further and suddenly I realized my brother was missing and I panicked LOL and we went around searching for him and it turned out my brother he walked too far off on his own and when he tried to get back in (cause you need a ticket to enter back in) HE COULDN'T AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA so my father had to go and get him back from the security guards omg it was so funny. 

There's what the penguins look like AWWWWWWWWWWW. 

Oh and then we had Chinese food for dinner. Not the greatest fan of Chinese food but I guess the food there was good though! Although I really did wanted pizza at first. 

Okay ending went back to Li-Anne and Li-Nelle's house to sleep. I miss Australia. I am now a very sad Jerlyn :(.

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