
Friday, May 18, 2012

Humanities, intensive MT, and investiture.

You build up hope, but failure's all you've known.
Remember all the sadness and frustration and let it go, let it go.


Got back my humans marks! 17/25 and 18/25 for Lit and SS respectively le sigh, exactly 70/100. Disappointed but rather happy since I didn't concentrate so much on humans this year :-). And Ms Nadiah needed my marks for the combined Chem tests and wahlao I forgot bring one of them and I think I got 22/30 but I told her I got 21/30 instead............................ together with my other test which I got 23/30 22 and 21 makes a difference of ONE grade leh, one is A1 one A2. But sigh getting an A2 instead of getting an A1 shall be my punishment for even forgetting to bring it. Anyway I also lazy go check again but I knew I got an A for that test soooooooooooo.

These pictures are up above on the instagram widget thing but still thought I should still post about them cause if not I'd have no pictures and that's not good. 

Currently reading The Concubine's Daughter. Similar to my lit book in a way, both talk about the superiority of man over woman in the Chinese society. 

Ever since I got an iPhone and went into sec three haven't been reading as much as I used to :-(. It's either too much tests or too much homework and even if I'm free I'm too lazy to read a book LOL. Finished The Book Of Tomorrow in like two days (I left half of it unfinished)! Super good book, and I only got that book for $5 and I know other places sell it for so much more than that hurhurhur. 

Jerlyn class leader and student council worhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *_*. Congratulations to me I managed to stay in the council without Mrs Teo kicking me out. 

Was only notified like yesterday without any rehearsal or whatsoever that we had council investiture the next day lololol. Immediately told everyone I possibly knew (no I kid) to clap for me AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA most shameless girl award please thanks (second place can go to Weiling or Gan). 

All the councillors had to walk down the hall first wahlao like embarrassing only................................ so awkward. Though when I was walking down Edmund called me and waved aawww I felt so loved ^_^. Someone also went to shout "KENGPUM!" as I was walking down LOL and I like turned AHAHAHA wahlao. 

You know how scary it is to go up on stage in a prize presentation people will be clapping for some some loud and some like none at all IT IS SO NERVE WRECKING later you go up and nobody claps for you do you know how embarrassing it is LOL x_x. So before me was Agnes and Batchimeg and people were clapping for them and I was like shitttttttttttttt but hehehehe so happy when I went up I could hear that the amount of claps I got was louder than them AHAHAHAHAHA I COULD HAVE DIED OF LOVE ON THE SPOT *_* x 129829381908293801. 

After I walked back to my seat I passed by 5N1 and 5N2 and Gabriel the pau and some others were like looking at me with that super sly look LOL and Gabriel was like did you hear what we said? And I was like no cause I didn't hear anyone shouting anything LOL FROM WHAT I HEARD FROM THEM TURNS OUT WHEN I WENT UP 5N1 AND 5N2 LIKE PEOPLE ALL SHOUTED KENGPUM'S NAME AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA even Jacob told me he could hear when he sat like so far away. But I didn't hear and I was rather sad :-(. 

But I'm berry happy and I feel very loved *_* hoho some said the people cheering when I went up very loud HAHAHAHAHAHA if I die now (IF) I will die with no regrets because I love the world so. Oh and my socks were super high okay it was so embarrassing. 

Anyway super annoyed at this tweet I saw today lol zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wtf  someone said the investiture was a waste of time (this is excused but this year's one wasn't as long) and totally implied (if not directly said) the council were dogs. And I honestly don't believe it was meant as a compliment la. 

Even if one of us did something to you doesn't mean you have to insult the whole council right? Actually even if one of us did something to you it still doesn't give you the right to call them a dog. Unless they called you that or something la but that's another thing on it's own. Even if the investiture was a 'waste of time' doesn't mean you can't show the least bit of respect right? 

Some of us (definitely not me but still) actually work very hard in the council, giving in their all for everything, trying very hard to properly plan events for the whole school. What gives her the right to call us dogs? Scold me for being overreactive but how would you feel if someone just calls you a dog without rhyme or reason? 


Anyway on a side note. 

Been having intensive MT training and please look at my whole stack of Chinese papers to do x_x. 

Today we had a paper 1 test and I did the wrong questions twice. First I still had like 1h plus to redo, then I redo already realize I do wrong question again then left 15 minutes to try and do as much as I could wahlao :-(. Fail to the twenty seventh hundred power. Speaking of which we have classes tomorrow from 8am-12pm x_x. WISH ME LUCK. 

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