
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

DPA interview.

Had my DPA interview today and I guess it went quite okay. Really wish I could get in though sigh I already made it through the first round of getting called in for the interview and I really do wish I can pass the second round of actually successfully getting into Ngee Ann Poly.

Had lunch with Ng before heading off to NP. Around 45 minute journey there and 2 hours journey back to Bedok inter because I wanted to take direct bus instead of taking MRT hahaha. So reached home at around 5 and no time to have a nap.. Ate dinner and studied till like 12.40am. I'm super sleepy now but I haven't finished Organic Chem. Already going to study preparation of salts and metals tomorrow morning so HAVE to finish organic chem by today.

So many people's just like "It's only prelims, nvm la, not O's." but I can't think like that.. Especially for Science cause I know Ms Nadiah expects a lot from me lol. OH AND BTW I thought today's A Maths P2 was easier than P1!!! Just hope I can pass overall!!!!

Anyway I guess today was a rather good day :-). Thanks TG you are the bessttttttttttt.

Monday, July 30, 2012


Quick picture post before I go to sleep :-). I know the photos will be messed up cause I'm using the Blogger app so I very nicely inserted numbers for easy reference. You're welcome.

A Maths paper 1.

No amount of words can express how much I'm so annoyed, disappointed, angry at myself for screwing up paper one so badly.

Makes me want to jump off a cliff. Or drown in my toilet bowl. Or release the beetle I captured using a plastic bowl just now and let it attack me. Okay la no I don't but you get the whole point.

Questions I could have done correctly I didn't. Questions everybody else said was 'easy' I didn't know how to do. I actually thought it was quite easy when I was doing the first few questions. Lol spoke too soon. The paper got harder and harder.

It sucks cause I honestly thought I could manage the paper. I did practice papers and I actually listened in A Maths class already. I tried doing the papers before the exams and I really knew how to do and understood it when Daryl (very kindly, I must mention) explained everything to me but zzz when it came to the actual paper... Everything like foreign to me.

It's like I understood the question I knew what to do but I didn't know how to do it. Like I knew the steps I had to take but I got stuck at a certain point and cannot continue even though I fully understood like what was the next step I had to take. Simple thing I also got wrong.

I am hopeless and I want to just crawl into ball and hide in my room till prelims are over. Makes me too demoralized to even think about paper two even though that's the only thing that can pull my overall results up but here I am mourning over my paper one. What is wrong with you Jerlyn?

Anyway DPA interview at Ngee Ann Poly is tomorrow hope I don't screw that up and successfully get in so that I can forget about the torture A Maths has put me through. Wish me luck.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lusting overrrrrr

Things I want to get for myself when I get the moolah $$$$$$ :-). Hehe birthday soon hint hint 9th August.

P.S. Anyone who gives me a box of yupi gummy candies (the green ones and the pink ones and the sour burgers!) for my birthday I will adore you for life and I will shower you with eternal love. No I kid. But seriously.


Saturday programme today but only went for self study cause I woke up late hurhurhur. Jannelle Jiayi Huiting and Michelle was very nice they gave me a slice of their pizza nomnom. And then we all did work and Michelle drew Nokia phones and Weitat was also very nice he bought daohuey for me yay! And today my neighbor had their housewarming today and omgwtfbbq their food buffet was SO GOOD I even ate like two servings lol okay maybe not so good anymore cause it made me eat a lot. Oh and and and I got complimented by two people and one of them is actually someone I secretly (not so secret anymore) also think she very pretty one HAAHAHAHHAA. BRB DYING OF OVERWHELMING SHOCK.

Anyway I'm sorry if this post is so random HAHAHA it's like there are posts where I want to say so many things I just don't know how to link everything together LOL. Here are some (more) random photos from the last few days. One of the pictures is my (anyhow-do-in-five-minutes) drawing that appeared in a Chinese newspaper lol if I knew it would win a prize I swear I would have drawn better! Have been working on my DPA portfolio will post pictures when it's done cause I spent a long time on it!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Wa-want you, want you back

1. Finished English, SS and Maths papers. 
2. Maths P2 was by far the easiest. 
3. Already lost 2 marks out of the 100 so not as bad as P1 cause I already confirm lost 6 out of 80 pffft. 
5. Saturday programme tomorrow. 
6. And today I saw a dead squashed bird on the road RIP bird :-(.
7. I have a pimple on my chin oh no.
8. Need to prepare my portfolio........... like now. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Pictures from this week! Went out to study today with Kim, Mark, Andy, Aidil, KL, Daniel and KP (who met me and Kim later on) at Changi Airport/Point after our English papers. Manage to do a few Maths questions and revised a bit of SS. Tried M&M's cookies and they tasted surprisingly good! Like Famous Amos' cookies!

Took 34 back home with KP and had a loooonggg good talk HAHA. Reached home at around 10 and slept until 12 (haizzz) which explains why I'm still awake at 1:10am doing last minute SS studying. Doubt I'll be going to bed till around 2. Hateeeee memorizing so much. Wish me luck :*.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hi prelims.

It's the start of prelims and I feel so unprepared. Tomorrow's English paper really hope I can pass :/. But anyway before I go to sleep here's a few pictures from these past few days before I go MIA again! I actually had more photos but I think I deleted them. Pfffffft.

This two days I've been reaching school at 6.30 am x_x which is sooooo early. And good news I got the call from Ngee Ann Poly asking me to go for the interview yessssssssssssss I hope I can conquer this round and get a spot for myself in the tourism and resort management course!!!! Hope all goes well and I was so nervous when she called me I think I might have appeared as quite rude cause I interrupted her once and everytime I said "wait ah", Kengpum who was beside me at that time was like, "Say hold on instead wait!". Wah scary.. But still very happy cause Ngee Ann's tourism and resort management was my first choice :-). A bit clueless over what to do for my portfolio though :/.

HAHA okay it's almost 1am and I'm sleepy so goodnight!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Let the past make you better, not bitter.

This week I made friends with Justin's Mr Pillow (hehe) and Weitat let me sit on his bike today and he fetched me to school and the bus stop (with Guijin at the side holding my books) HAHAHAHAHA.

Anyway I wanted to say that I have been studying a lot these past few days for prelims but I can't justify myself because although I have been studying, I know I haven't been studying as much as I possibly can. I can't seem to find the motivation and determination to and even if I do that feeling only lasts for like fifteen minutes lor :-(. You know I kinda miss being able to go out and enjoy myself without feeling guilty for not studying.

But on a brighter note I finally understand Organic Chemistry and a bit more of A Maths. But on a sadder note I haven't received the text from the Poly's I applied to through DPA so I doubt I got in. Which sucks cause so many people around me have been accepted for the interview. So I guess that's kinda degrading :/. Oh well, maybe that'll make me study harder to get <13 for my L1R4. Birthday is in a few weeks but apparently it's the last thing on my mind since prelims are already in 3 more days.

Father's going overseas tomorrow I hope he has a safe trip :-)! But anyway without my father being in Singapore for the time being means I'll have to go to school on my own from Monday to Thursday. Here's to hoping I can wake up at 5.30 and survive the 1h ++ journey by LRT and 2 buses to school. Sigh. Goodnight :-).

"Everything's going to be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end." Anyway I really want to thank Gabriel and Daryl for letting me rant to them these past few days, especially if it was over the most ridiculous things LOL.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Band handing over!

First things first............... Guess who got 11/11 for her A Maths kinematics quizzzzzzzzzzzz? 
Hip hip hooray! 

Photos from band handing over ceremony which was last June lol. Better late than never! 
Had lunch at Swensen's where I had the most terrible gastric pain ever. 

Food was good though I didn't really get to enjoy it :-(. 

My loves :-). Timothy, Ali, Shaik, Clarabelle, Ivan, Gan, XingYi and Weiling! 

So basically we just got seated in the band room > watched video > listen to speech (dk which came first) > slacked while the rest of the band did marching HAHAHAHA. 
Mr Tan and Mr Fahmi's speech! 

Hehe percussion'12 (excluding Shengrong and Carissa who weren't there) :-). This was before Zoonshang joined! 

Love these three boys wahahahaha percussionists woot woot! 

HAHA during marching! 
And this is me sleeping on Weiling cause I was dead beat. 

Adios! Time to eat daohuey and then studyyyyyyyyyyyy.