
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

3h 55min more.

So far all the papers have been okay! SS was surprisingly manageable. And everything else was okay too especially A Maths and E Maths P2 which were really good!

Left Physics which is tomorrow (in the afternoon fortunately), and Lit on Friday and then it's Science MCQ next Thursday!!! Super super excited cant believe this torturing week is almost over.

POST O'S CELEBRATION: This Friday going to go on a Maplestory spree (is there such term??) with Daryl and start to catch up on all that we have missed out on!! After that going on a short 2D1N trip to Batam this Saturday (yes even before O's officially end) so yayyerzz ~_~. Prom night/Grad night on 19/11, Legoland trip with cousins on 24/11 and (most likely) going to Cambodia for 5D4N at around 29/11!!!! AND NOT TO MENTION GOING OUT WITH FRIENDS LIKE TEN THOUSAND TIMES TO SHOP AND EAT hahahaha everyone will be sick of seeing me but I don't care.

And thinking of starting a new blog all over again which is kinda redundant but aiya I cannot take it LOL. Plus like majority my photos from past entries suddenly disappeared so irritating and so sad all my photos gone :'( :'( huogai who ask me go and keep use image URL from Facebook LOL. Going to create photobucket or use my Flickr account (that I auto already had cause of my Yahoo email) and start to use a proper image hosting website. HOPEFULLY ON FRIDAY I'LL BE ABLE TO CREATE A NEW BLOG AND START AFRESH (again for the ten thousandth time). Or I just try to start afresh here again LOL sighhhhhhhh my photos T_____T.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Three subjects down, five more to go.

Today had A Maths lessons in school, wasn't very good though. Left at 3.30pm and went to Tampines inter. Ate at Pepper Lunch (again) and so sad cause I specifically told the person not to put spring onions but they did -____- Ughhh those green things :-(. Oh and KP bought Awfully Chocolate ice cream and I had some of it for the first time (it was gooood) before Pepper Lunch and after that he bought me this fish shaped Korean ice cream thing cause I wanted it HAHAHAHA (my favvvv in Indonesia) and it was amazing ~_~.

Next O Level's paper starts on Monday.. And then that whole week I'll be having papers everyday except for Wednesday. Part of me wants to get it over and done with but part of me is wishing that day would never/take its time to come :-(. So far papers have been okay. English was disappointing and during my paper one I just spit out all the vocab words "maelstrom of excitement and anxiety stirred in me" "landed myself in this predicament" "zenith of my success" "in doldrums" don't even know if I used it correctly but heck, it's already over. Lost like a few marks in E Maths Paper 1 but so far very very very very good for Paper 2 :-). Just not sure about the estimating of median and the graph questions cause it depends on the marker's scheme and whether they will accept my answers or not!!!! HOPE ALL GOES WELL AND I CAN GET A1. L1R4 of 11 points leggo leggo leggo.

Squeezing another ranting paragraph here cause I don't want to spam my entire blog with ranting posts.

Honestly why why why why I know it's no use complaining but uggghhhhh seriously two Science two humans and two A Maths papers in four days??????? Maybe I'm just too lousy with planning my time and study plan properly maybe others can manage having five subjects/six papers all in four days but I can't I really don't even know how I'm going to survive that week.

I can't just don't care as much as I should care because this isn't just mock exams, this isn't prelims, this isn't end of year exams already. This is O's, the real deal, the papers that we have been preparing for four years. I can't afford to screw this up.

People tell me that I can do it and all that but what if I can't? What if I'm just not smart enough? What if my best isn't the best for Cambridge? What if I'm not as good as what people think I am? Just because I'm in 4E1, I'm thrown into this position where I'm supposed to get all distinctions, where I'm supposed to be that smart and hardworking girl, but I'm not like that. I laze around for three hours after doing one A Maths paper. I can't even finish learning one chapter of SS without getting bored and restless. I'm not that kind of girl who can sit at her table for seven hours and study non stop. I'm sick of studying and I'm honestly starting to detest myself for being so lazy and unmotivated.

Tomorrow/today I shall focus on SS.. MUST MUST MUST. Thought I had five days to study SS. Then the five days turned to four which turned to three and now left two lol aiyo this Jerlyn.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Weekly photo update number 8724012471

Dorito's smoking BBQ flavor with salsa (favvv) and cheese mmm. 

Pizza dinner + breakfast + lunch for me and bro when my parents went overseas!! 

(Super huge) Macaroons parents bought back from Genting for meeeee! Honey Lavender, Honey and Raspberry flavors! Good life :-). 

Random bruise on my hand from who knows what. 

'Nuff said. 

Graduation ceremony which was on Wednesday 17/10 :-(. 
I will miss my (extremely) messy classroom :-(. The random water boiler in my class very funny right. Jerald brought it to school one day and the boys at the back of the class made tea in the middle of lessons and sometimes after school they make cup noodles to eat lolwut yes only in 4E1.  


Brought brownies to school to share with friends (mama's idea!) and they were so goooooooooooooooooooooood I want more now :-( :-( :-( :-(((((. 

What my mama suddenly sent me LOL. 

Pepper Lunch @ Century Square with Kim and Andy after our Science practical O's (sidenote: it was horrible). LOVE ON A GRILL PLATE THING. 

Egg and potato mayo salad ^_^. 

........With doritos. Best snack ever. 

Desserts that our neighbours baked/gave us awww. The mushroom looking ones were damn good, chocolate and peanut butter! From the same neighbour who we ordered the brownies from!! 

Me and Weiling's polaroid stickers order came from the mail yesterday!! Ordered from the same store I ordered my stickers from ($18 worth tskkk) and I really like that store!! 

Why Weiling cracks me up. 

Today's MOSburger lunch with Andy and co and Daryl!! The strawberry iced tea was goooood and so was the croquette. The burger was some new one so me and Daryl both ordered it but meh, I should have just stuck to my Tsukune rice burger. That burger wasn't even nice and it had TOO MUCH onions, and left this horrible taste in my mouth even after like two hours -_-. 

Apple pie that Mr Loo ordered for all of us awwwww. He also ordered McNuggets but the photo was blur so yeah. Mr Loo is the best :-) :-) :-). 

One more day

Good day today. Not very productive in the morning but had a good lunch and Maths lesson just now with Daryl and Andy and co. Thanks for a good day to all of them and especially thanks to Daryl for accompanying me throughout ~_~.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


I don't remember what it's like to not study for a day already. All my juniors have finished their EOY exams and I'm still studying and studying and studying even though I started waaaay earlier than them. I still remember last year I was like "HAHA sec 4's still need study" AND NOW MEHHHH my turn. Well I guess at least we can get it over and done with sooner soooo.

There's SO many things I want to do after O's lol I want to get my social life back I hate being restricted all day I hate having to study all day I hate how even if I go out just for dinner etc for less than five hours I'll feel guilty and I'll want to go home I hate how I can't enjoy myself anymore.

But on the bright side I finished my A Maths TYS today so yay another one to add to my list of completed TYS books. Never in my sixteen years would I have ever imagined that I'd actually finish not one but three assessment books lol in like a few months cause all along I have never done assessment books until these few months before O's!!

I honestly just wish O's were tomorrow or something so that it'd be over sooner..... 4 more days till my Science practical exam. LET'S DO THIS. Just hope that I don't burst from frustration and stress before O's even starts haha.

SIDE NOTE I REALLY CANNOT WAIT FOR PROM. I already settle my clothes and shoes and I really don't see the point in spending the money on clothes when I already have a dress that I haven't worn out yet so essentially it's still new right except for the fact that I bought it in like May and I have heels that I bought last year for Grad Night duty soooooo. And I personally like my dress a lot HAHAHAHAHAHA weeeeeee.

Another reason I don't want to buy a whole new outfit is because I'm trying to save up for new camera lenses which are like $399 :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(.

And okay anyway I'm tired of studying already so goodnight!!! If you read through my whole rant you are amazing haha.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Mama's birthday + others!

PICTURE HEAVY POST I HAVE WARNED YOU. I uploaded my DSLR photos in HD so hahahaahahahahahahaha omg they're damn nice to look at LOL. And this post consists of the three best foods ever invented/found/discovered/created: lasagne, sashimi and buns with butter mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I am hungry already meh. 

DSLR photos first just because. Mama's birthday dinner at some seafood buffet at some hotel and oops I forgot to take a photo of the buffet place but imo not worth it lor the price. 

Tried to eat until I covered the buffet price but I think I failed cause I'm a horrible person to bring to a buffet. Unless it's a Japanese buffet then I think I'll fare better HAHAHAHA. 
1st plate. Now you know why I'm so horrible at buffets cause I eat all the carbs first = full faster LOL. 

2nd plate! Scallops and tuna and salmon sashimi mmmmmmmmm sedap. 

3rd plate. The zucchini quiche was goooooooood and so was the bread and butter omnomnom. 


4th plate! Clams, another quiche and a slice of roast beef with sauce that I shouldn't have even put over the beef so generously :-( haissshhh. 

5th plate (almost full at this point already) clam chowder and bread again LOL. 

Plate of cheese mama and I wanted to try! And apparently the weirdest cheese (nuts and fruits cheese???) was the nicest LOL. 

6th plate more sashimi LOL and at this point the guy cutting up all the sashimi for us already recognized me as the girl who always orders salmon "you ahhh only eat salmon". 

7th plate with dessert!!! I ate half of everything LOL. The green one was the nicest but I was too full :-( :-(. 

Plate of almost all the dessert there LOL my mum's trying to salvage the falling mango mousse cake at the back of the photo cause she wanted to take a nice photo LOL. 

My 8th plate LOL yet again I ate (less than) half of everything here. 

I finally tried pecan pie cause the chefs on masterchef made pecan pie seem so glorious but this was meh. I realized generally buffets don't really serve dessert that I actually like! Except for The Coffee Terrace at Genting cause they have dark chocolate macarons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Photos with star of the day LOL. 
Random photo of the dessert plate again in the midst of our photos CAUSE THE MANGO MOUSSE CAKE HAS FALLEN HAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAA IT LOOKS SO FUNNY. 

Oh I didn't post a family photo here cause we only took one and it's in my mum's phone and Jeric blinked soooooooooooooo LOL. 

My skin looks very nice here and this would have been a rather nice photo if it wasn't for the fact that my eyes were like half closed like this --> -___-. 

Macaroons/macarons (I spell it as the former) at like $2++ a piece we bought 7 and they were like $15 aiyo heart pain. 

Okay iPhone grainy photos' turn to shine LOL. 
Massive massive dinner last Saturday!!! 

Got mama to buy two Domino's chocolate molten lava cake cause I heard it was good LOL. It was okay la eat a few bites will jelat so I don't eat all at once. 

Yeah they looked horrible LOL...................................................... 

Later on in the day our neighbor gave us her own muffins to mock my failures of a muffin to thank us for lending them something. JUST COMPARE THEM MINE LOOKS HORRID but it tasted okay tho (except for the burnt one)(and pardon the half eaten one LOL). 

What my father wrote on my To-do list awwwwwwwww. 

Lasagne on a winnie the pooh plate hahahahahaha. 

Doing Physics work with Shi Rong on Wednesday when we had 3 free periods at the fourth floor study area! 

Random shot of my wall (and my thigh) cause I found it very pretty LOL. Planning to paste photos and polaroids on the wall under the letters after O's!!!! 

Self explanatory HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY MAMA :*. 

OOTD to the buffet place! Lace shorts and denim button up from Taobao LOL. My hair was really nice when I left house but it messed up after awhile sobs :-(. 

The macaroons we bought lol at the random chocolate one above all the others LOL. We bought (from left to right) vanilla, passionfruit, chocolate, two raspberry and two salted caramel ones! 

Yesterday when a cat came into our school. I made Weiling follow me all the way to stalk the cat LOL. 
Looks like harry!!!!!!!!! Does anybody remember harry :-( :-( LOL. 

Dried blueberries and cranberries that Jianhong lovingly shared with me nom nom. 

7-11 Mac and Cheese for lunch yesterday! 


The $18 worth of stickers that I bought!!!! NO REGRETS. 

Polaroid and the 5 boxes of films my aunt generously lent and gave me!!! (The other packet is from Kim *_*) Tested the first two shots on my dining table yeah I know geniussssssssssss, $2 gone like that LOL.  

Today when Andy broke his toenail and I accompanied him and KL to the general office to give Andy moral support HAAHAHAHAHAHA. 


Okay that is all for my picture heavy post of the day back to studying and A Maths :-(.