
Thursday, August 30, 2012


Stopped doing the whole weekly Instagram posts just because I figured it'd be boring for those who follow me there to read it here and see the same pictures all over again haha. But recently I've stopped being so obsessed with posting photos up there and instead just edit the photos using Instagram then save it to upload here on my blog instead of on the app itself HAHAHA so yeah. Tried to upload the photos through my phone but it won't work so urgh. 

Anyway one day I'm going to read back on my old posts regret being so obsessed with Instagram and editting all my iPhone photos with it but I guess it does kinda make it look nicer right :-(. 

Popeye's for dinner on Monday/Tuesday (?) :9. 

Some of my favorite (inedible) things in life :3. 

"Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth."

Broke a test tube during Chem practical :'(.

Best dessert ever! Drizzle banana with honey and cinnamon sugar and microwave for approximately 1 minute :-). Looks like yellow zombie brains but don't judge a book by it's cover! Supposed to eat with ice cream/yoghurt but I didn't have any that I liked so I just ate it alone. Just as good :-). 

Sunshine's oats and raisins cookies! Surprisingly addicting mmm. 

Finally used the notebook I bought last December for my O's preparation!!! On my study plan the dates that I haven't wrote anything under doesn't mean it's my rest days LOL it just means I haven't found what I want to cover on that day yet. Second photo on the side of the book under the yellow lined post it's is a note Mr Loo left in my A Maths workbook! He went and wrote "Jerlyn, you should aim for A2 in A Maths" when he saw my Prelims target for A Maths was B4 (which I hit!!) aww. 

@ Burger King T2 to study with Kimberly today! Favorite 10 pc chicken tenders which I finished :o. 

HAPPY (belated x283292) BIRTHDAY TO ME

Favorite photo (of me hahahaha) first just because. 

These are the photos from Kengpum's camera (hnnng) and I uploaded them in high quality okay >:( so it's nicer to look at (not that the quality's even bad in the first place). KP only came at like 7pm :-( so only photos at night! 

Ohaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai :3 

LOL I need lip balm so bad. 

Me and mama! 

Mandatory photos with the *ahem ahem* main stars of the day (aka me and Eugene) again HAHAHHAA. 
Lol at our different expressions ._. 



Gan the snake blup blup. 


Weiling and Ruiqi :* 


Original post here hoho and NOW THAT I HAVE UPLOADED THESE I NEED NOT FEEL GUILTY ANYMORE. I should probably go and study soon :-(. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Error beep beep

I keep trying to post photos from my phone but it just doesn't want to work soooo. Update now cause hahaha I'm still waiting for chalet photos..... :-(.

A few more days to mock exams and less than two months to O's. Nervous as heck because I honestly don't know how I will fare. 17/30 for Chemistry class test.... Sigh. Don't even know how I can get into Pure Science in the first place. But on the bright side had Height and Weight today teehee was so scared I would have gained like 1838191kg but instead I lost weight HAHAHAHA. Even though I gained 1kg in one year it's not bad considering my appetite became much bigger end of last year! And I grew by 1cm. NOT MUCH SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE BUT IT'S SOMETHING.

Anyway (angry) rant time. START OF RANT I was so annoyed during today's recess ahajdjwjakxokcldmaz. After PE I was finding a seat while Ng bought his food and while Weiling and JW walking over to canteen. I found this table already and it was empty la. So I put my bag there and stood at the side waiting for the three. Then waiting halfway suddenly these two girls just brought their food to the table I had (rightfully) booked AND....... SAT THERE. AHSHSHAJAJXJX WAH WHAT IS THIS CANNOT SEE MY BAG ON THE TABLE MEH. Or cannot see me? I short also still I don't think I'm THAT unnoticeable right. They didn't even look at me and ask if they could sit there or even looked/acknowledged my presence asjseksjdjx urgh.

So I walked away from that table to save myself from embarrassment la. Then I went to book another table (by book I mean put my bag there and stand at the table LOL). DUM DUM DUM GUESS WHAT HAPPENED? This guy just came and looked at me and sat down there and ate his rice. WHAAAAATTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But at least I have to give him credit for acknowledging me -.- oh whoop dee doo.

Okay so the girls who sat there usually always sits at that table at other times. SO WHAT. You always sit there means it's rightfully yours meh? NO. Did you buy/own that table? NO. I think i have every right to sit there too. It's not fair that I came first, yet I had to 'accommodate' to you and let you have that table. Okay maybe it's partly my fault for not speaking up BUT SHAJKDDKAMDN I was alone of course I don't dare la pfft.

Okay so if got that logic that if you usually sit there it's automatically 'YOUR' seat, why everytime me and Weiling they all don't have our own seats and table leh. We also always sit at those few tables what, but people still sit there. DO WE SHAMELESSLY PUT OUR FOOD AND PLATES THERE? NO. We move our butts and find another seat.

Why is it that we have to do that while THEY don't? It's not fair right. This isn't even the first time it has happened la. Like beginning of this year, like FOUR of us already booked a table, already deciding what to eat. Then a few girls just walked by and put their food on the table. This one not only one person book leh. IT WAS FOUR PEOPLE WHO ALREADY SURROUNDED THAT TABLE. So in the end WE had to let them sit there and we move cause maybe they were too lazy to just scoot off and find another seat.

I'm not saying always sitting at your 'regular' seat is wrong la, but if people already sit there then let them la. Everyone has the rights to sit anywhere what right zzzzzzzzzz. Even if you die die also must sit there, if you'd asked I would have happily let you. Thing is all they did was put their ahdjska plate of food there and didn't even ASK me if I could let them sit there cause that's where they usually sit. ARGH inconsiderate. END OF RANT.

Okay enough already :-(. Adios.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

"What's floating?"

Daryl: "How's life?" "Get it? Cause I'm dead?" "PewwPewDEAD"

I'm sorry if you don't play maple cause this post will bore you hahahaha but I feel these screenshots deserve some recognition haha plus Daryl's character is so cute. 
Lol me as an old man. 

Hardcore ariant PQ yesterday with Samuel, Daryl and KP! 

Haha sorry for the lack of interesting-ness in my posts I am waiting for KP to pass me the chalet photos cause he lazy post it up sooooooo :-(. Plus Prelims 2 and O's are coming (bad time to start playing maple again) and I need to work my butt off hahahhaahaahhaha faster get it over and done with!!!!!!! Wish me luck yay :-). 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Less than 2 more months

That B4 for A Maths did not just happen without any hardwork. Determined to work as hard again (and for my other subjects also) for Prelims 2 and O's! Go Jerlyn!

Not VERY happy with my prelims results but my senior told me it's actually not bad considering the fact that prelims is usually always harder than the actual O's. Just hope that I really can do MUCH better for Prelims 2 and O's itself! One subject down, seven more to go :-).

Monday, August 20, 2012


Had korean bbq at Tampines 1 cause best fwen wanted to eat there LOL (and he gave me a treat hehehehe). Food was good wah the bulgogi beef and the korean rice cakes and the bacon wahhhhh *_*. But it was so expensive like $26++ per pax and the service wasn't all that good anyway. 

Hehe bacon :-). 

Tomyum soup for dinner on Wednesday nomnom. 

Doing Chem TYS because I want to live up to everybody's expectations :-(. And my snack supply hurhur. 

The two bags I did over the last week!

Wanted to do it when I saw Kim did hers like last year but didn't like the quality of it till I saw Weiling's one so haha I totally copied the both of them and bought the two bags from Muji to draw on! I like how they turned out :-). 

Random photo of my living room+dining table+study area cause I realized how monotonous and black and white it is LOL. 

Called this my atas lunch cause I put my cup noodles the noodles (lol) into a bowl HAHA cause that made me feel fancier *_*. 

OH OH OH AND I TOTALLY FORGOT TO MENTION HERE THAT I GOT A B4 FOR CHINESE O LEVEL'S. B4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me, Jerlyn-who-cannot-speak-Chinese-to-save-her-life, Jerlyn-who-thinks-足球(soccer ball)-is-prostitute, Jerlyn-who-doesn't-know-what-is-地铁(MRT train), Jerlyn-who-has-been-failing-Chinese-since-forever. Apparently the whole sec 4E passed Chinese and that made me almost cry cause it meant I PASSED CHINESE TOO. And 45% got distinctions for Chinese which is just amazing la LOL. After Mr Lim announced the statistics and top students we went back to class where I waited a looooooooong time for my actual results. When Mr Teo told me I got B4 and a Merit for Oral I almost cried of joy again like omgwtfbbq x19383101928347920101, because I NEVER expected I could get a B for Chinese EVER in my life cause everyone who knows me knows my Chinese is just... Embarrassing.

So moral of the story is: I got a B4 for Chinese O's and I'm very happy about it hahahahaha though quite sad my DPA failed :'(. Oh well. Goodnight!