
Monday, August 20, 2012


Had korean bbq at Tampines 1 cause best fwen wanted to eat there LOL (and he gave me a treat hehehehe). Food was good wah the bulgogi beef and the korean rice cakes and the bacon wahhhhh *_*. But it was so expensive like $26++ per pax and the service wasn't all that good anyway. 

Hehe bacon :-). 

Tomyum soup for dinner on Wednesday nomnom. 

Doing Chem TYS because I want to live up to everybody's expectations :-(. And my snack supply hurhur. 

The two bags I did over the last week!

Wanted to do it when I saw Kim did hers like last year but didn't like the quality of it till I saw Weiling's one so haha I totally copied the both of them and bought the two bags from Muji to draw on! I like how they turned out :-). 

Random photo of my living room+dining table+study area cause I realized how monotonous and black and white it is LOL. 

Called this my atas lunch cause I put my cup noodles the noodles (lol) into a bowl HAHA cause that made me feel fancier *_*. 

OH OH OH AND I TOTALLY FORGOT TO MENTION HERE THAT I GOT A B4 FOR CHINESE O LEVEL'S. B4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me, Jerlyn-who-cannot-speak-Chinese-to-save-her-life, Jerlyn-who-thinks-足球(soccer ball)-is-prostitute, Jerlyn-who-doesn't-know-what-is-地铁(MRT train), Jerlyn-who-has-been-failing-Chinese-since-forever. Apparently the whole sec 4E passed Chinese and that made me almost cry cause it meant I PASSED CHINESE TOO. And 45% got distinctions for Chinese which is just amazing la LOL. After Mr Lim announced the statistics and top students we went back to class where I waited a looooooooong time for my actual results. When Mr Teo told me I got B4 and a Merit for Oral I almost cried of joy again like omgwtfbbq x19383101928347920101, because I NEVER expected I could get a B for Chinese EVER in my life cause everyone who knows me knows my Chinese is just... Embarrassing.

So moral of the story is: I got a B4 for Chinese O's and I'm very happy about it hahahahaha though quite sad my DPA failed :'(. Oh well. Goodnight!

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