
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sports heats, drawing and A Maths.

A Maths was first period and we got back our tests which I was rather nervous about receiving because like he said 6 people had failed, but when he announced all six who had failed it was like all boys so I was quite pleasantly surprised, though I didn't expect much because I had checked answers with others after the test and mine were all different... :(

So Mr Loo was announcing all the like highest marks first like 25/25 23/25 and giving them back their papers etc.. Then Mr Loo was like, "And another one who improved a lot.. Jerlyn, 21/25."


I was beyond ecstatic la obviously HAHA (but couldn't spread my excitement to those I was SMSing cause my phone was charging lulz) but Jianhong didn't share my joy which made me rather depressed :( but it's okay!!!!!!

21/25!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIRST TIME I GOT LIKE 20 AND ABOVE FOR AN A MATHS CLASS TEST OKAY I USUALLY LIKE EITHER FAIL OR BORDERLINE PASS OR SOMETHING LIKE NO JOKE. I rarely get to show off about results so bear with me la okay!!!!!

MR LOO I HAVE MADE YOU PROUD!!!!!! I kid. But yeah, haha makes me believe like I can actually do well for my A Maths. Go Jerlyn!!!!

Well anyway. Sports heats after that first time participating and like six or more people (eg Farid Aloysius Isa Toby Chester Zac Tan) were like "WAH JERLYN SIA WAH JERLYN YOU PARTICIPATING AH YOU RUNNING??? EH CAN OR NOT YOU." and all that sarcasm jazz. WHY WHY WHY IS IT SO HARD TO ABSORB THE FACT THAT I'M RUNNING FOR SPORTS HEATS

But I wasn't the first or second or maybe even third anyway HAHA #fail to prove them that I can actually do it because I can't LOL. After my run and when Gan went off to her event Kengpum came to the stadium after school (cause those involved in sports heats can leave earlier haha yay LOL) and then I started to draw haha but I totally messed up my proportions again #whatsnew. Then cheese fries for dinner HEHEHE.

Adios. Three tests tomorrow omg wish me luck LOL.

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