
Friday, January 13, 2012

No sweeter sound, than what I've found.

LOL third post today but it's okay right. I didn't want a super long post on like different events so I split them all up LOL. Nowadays I've been eating so much. I ate a whole bowl of wanton mee today. It was good though. Yumz. This is a very random post I have warned you!!!! 

You know the other day my beloved Andy sent me this picture.
You know I think he's trying to imply something. 

And today I had nothing to do (lies I had to study for Social Studies and A Maths tests on Monday) and I was feeling very artsy fartsy so I decided to go and draw something LOL. 
I couldn't save the photo in my phone where I could get a clearer view so I took a screenshot..... 

I drew the lanyard and a bit of the shoulder after this but I got all the proportions wrong again (what's new) so I got so demoralised I couldn't continue any more LOL. And I didn't realise the polaroid camera is a bit slanted until now but aiya lol details details. Kengpum said it was nice though! Can someone please tell me  why my art skills (I believe I at least have a bit I do not care) are deteriorating so badly now. Well actually it's not that bad la but still why why why can't I draw better with better proportions :(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

And today yay I got gummy candies! 

Like after not eating them for like 187428112746121 days (Lies again I ate like two whole packets in the span of like two days approx like on Monday and Tuesday). Now I'm craving chocolate waffles. I shall ask my mum to buy for me. I need to stop eating so much junk food my BMI is like 19.5 now why. And Gan didn't stay back today I miss her so much :(. 

Edit: I was eating my gummy apple rings and I found like this hole-less one and this half-hole one okay I am so lame but they're so cute! K BYE.

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