
Friday, January 13, 2012

Truth behind Andy (and a bit of Ng).

I just finished Chemistry class but I'm still in school doing the Chem paper we received LOL. I feel so sad I have no close friends here and there are like five girls so I'm like the odd girl out here cause I'm usually with the guys and the rest of the girls naturally with the girls so they left me with all the guys sad life. Don't like not having no close friends here in this Saturday Chemistry Class grrrr. But anyway I sat with Weikun and Chester which isn't that bad. But I miss all my friends :(. I want hashbrowns. And a chocolate waffle. And LOL now I'm in the canteen waiting for Andy to finish his CCA then I'll make him follow me to go get waffles at Bedok interchange :'(.

Haha, Jerald has the cutest calculator LOL. 

I wore Gan's Brillante shirt out today hiak hiak. 

Oh and so I went to tweet about waiting for Andy and getting him to follow me... 

Not really the first time people think I'm with Andy LOL so I'm just going to clarify once and for all we're just really really good (if not best) friends and when I say I love Andy and all I'm just kidding I mean I do love him but you know as a friend that type la. LOL. Same with Ng. LOL the other day Azwan and the rest were teasing me and telling Mrs Liew eh that one Jerlyn's sec 5 thai boyfriend (Kengpum la duh, and no not true) then Mrs Liew was like "HUH I THOUGHT ZACHARY NG??" LOL. Oh you know me and Andy used to hate each other so much lol then one day we started talking for God knows what reason and then he introduced me to Shaytards LOL and we even watched the Christmas special episode together everybody say aww *aww*. Then got closer when school reopened cause we sat quite near to each other okay the end my love story with Andy. Truth.

Oh in the end I bought the waffles myself #foreveralone so now I hate Andy for 283 seconds >:(. and he asked me to go off first even though school was about to close in like max 15 minutes and I already waited for him for like 1 hour plus but he was like you go first then he held some meeting for his NPCC cadets or something .

So I walked alone to the bus stop and bought my waffles at the interchange. I bought three to be exact #ridiculouswafflecraving. And ate like half chocolate half kaya and one whole cheese waffle. Prima deli has chicken bakwa biscuits that I would like to try so bad :(.Okay bye!

Can someone please motivate me to study for SS and A Maths lulz. 

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