
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Exothermic reactions.

Reaction that releases heat into the surroundings resulting in a general increase of temperature of the surroundings.

Sooooooo. Hi. I felt like I have been blogging rather less haha even though it's totally not at all. I guess part of the reason is cause I am like reserving all my Instagram pictures for one end of the week post and then some of my photos are in my Nikon which I have yet to upload to the computer haha. So many non-school related stuff I have to do it stresses me out so bad!!!!

Been super busy lately. Yadda yadda. I have like at least four tests every week (excluding that ONE week we had no tests at all) (these two weeks we had like five per week zzz) and everyday I have to work my ass of to study study study and do homework. Well at least Sport's day is on Friday woo spam photos time hehe.

My knee still hurts so I doubt I'll be running for Sport's day :/.

And today stayed back with Kim and Afifah and Kengpum and Aikel Zaid Afiq Farid Danish Azwan Khairul came over and we all hung out playing with my hot pack meant for my knee HAHA and just random stuff and then Aikel took out his guitar and he and Khairul started playing and the rest started singing and I went to take a video of them and they played along HAHA. Gonna upload the videos here soon I hope.

Moving house on Sunday don't know if I have enough time or not! Grandfather's birthday dinner tomorrow and Sport's day on Friday too hmm more blogging material.

Shall post random pictures again haha just to balance this whole post out. Pictures from Night Safari that dinner thing stolen from Jingwen hehehe and a screenshot of my 13 messages I received when I slept for like one hour #ifeelpopular.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Terrible day to the twenty seventh power.

Tired but forcing myself to blog cause arghhhhh >:(.

Well terrible day today. Got raged and shouted at by Yin Min and the whole class hear already like legit quiet for like two seconds zzz. A bit pissed. So he can imply I ugly imply I stupid imply I worthless then I disturb him a bit cannot. Okay la partly my fault for hitting him but eh, have I ever disturbed him first? No. He don't disturb me I won't disturb back one. Ownself want like that to me. Lol fine. Whatever la, dont talk to him then dont talk lor. Not like he was any good to me in the first place anyway. My pencil still with him though wth.

Saw Nelson in school today HAHA then he whack me on the head (gently la LOL) so when he turn around I follow him then whack him at the head back HAHA. A bit ironic cause my previous paragraph was YM raging at me cause I hit him (in my defense he was already in bad mood beforehand) and this paragraph is me whacking Nelson on his head joke.

Well anyway. Went to Changi Point with Kengpum and Kim bought Nerds and my replacement red bracelet!!!!!!!! Then went Simei Daiso after Kim went home and bought my box and stickers! Tomorrow no test today no HW can finally relax, happygirl96.

Haha, sorry for the wordy post anyway just needed to get the YM thing out of my chest and I figured out the rest of my day also deserved some attention HAHA. Goodnight!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Saturday packing pictures!

Still took some Instagram photos on Saturday but decided to put that together with the other Instragram photos LOL. Here's only pictures taken while packing on saturday because majority of the pictures I took on Sunday of packing and unpacking at my new room are in my Nikon. And besides.. blogging on my laptop is already such a pain. Physics and A Maths test tomorrow, le sigh. On a random side note, my mum got me a mouse for my laptop yay! 

Random cartoon I drew of Mr Y in Sec one LOL. 


Jer mart lol wut. 

My broken MP4 HAHA. 

Broken keychain that I got from my YOG+USS goodie bag from the appreciation party at USS for those who helped out at YOG weeeee :B. 

Stuff I found in my old jewelry box I had when I was younger HAHA. 

LOL my 'Bollywood' clip on earrings from the time I performed in kindergarten. 


LOL at the mushroom necklace!!!! The ones with the beads etc is I ownself do one leh LOL. I think. 

All my accessories!! And my red cuff bracelet that I lost T_T. 

All arranged in Daiso boxes! 

And a very abrupt ending HAHAHA ths is a pcture of part of my face cause apparently I have this red mark there from god knows where :( boo. 

And I got 11/15 for my Lit common test and I passed A Maths HOHOHOHO. Adios, shall take a nap before waking up to study later LOL. I hope I can wake up haha. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Packing is therapeutic.

HAHA felt like I haven't blogged in years even though the last time I updated was like on Friday but I used to blog like everyday so it's a bit weird!!!

I just didn't want to like upload all the photos in different posts cause I rather compile them into one long post. And have been super busy whole weekends were spent like packing and unpacking stuff into my new house (which I shall from now on call House 2 and my current one at Tampines House 1 cause both are my houses and I don't know how to differentiate!!). Didn't even have time to study but luckily
I don't think I have a test on Monday haha.

And I am currently beyond sad because I have lost my favorite red cuff bracelet that i got from Cotton On the other day while I was in Bukit Panjang Plaza just now. Boohoo :(. I shall now mourn over my beloved red bracelet. Goodnight :(. I hope I can find a replacemet. And I feel a fever coming on. Not good Jerlyn, not good.

Yeah right, 'nothing will change'. I actually believed you, haha.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Instagram photos week 2!

And so I have to say before I go, that I just want you to know,
 I've found a reason for me to change who I used to be. 

Blogging them all on a Friday in case I can't upload all of these on Sunday! 

Aloysius' gameboy colour that Jacob was playing during class hahahaha. 

Lit quiz HAHA. 

Sticky candy Sheenaz gave me during band aww. 

Harry my love!!!!! 

Taiwan carbonated water bottle! 


Notebook that Jannelle gave me in like sec one that I stopped using but just recently took it out to use it to practice maths sums LOL. 

Free five periods this week cause it was all about SPA which only Pure Chem students take so after I dropped to Combined Science I don't have to do SPA any more LOL. 

Kengpum's iPhone cover that Kimberly drew on with correction fluid LOL. 

Teacher vs students softball match after school! 

I miss Harry :(. 

Aww can you sense the love. 

Gongcha Kengpum bought for me after band HAHA. 

Isa's chem notes (cause I left mine in class..........) and Chem workbook that I stopped doing like after two pages cause everything I see also blur. 

And random picture of Azwan's Spongebob doll that I stole cause it was on the table HAHA. I shall give it back to him on Monday hehz. 

I should really start packing up and preparing for my new room in my new house. Adios. 
Had a really nice talk with Gan and the clique today. I guess things really never go the way you want it to. And sometimes you have to just pretend you're okay without them in your life. Even if you jolly well know you're not. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hi Sheri and Sheryl.

Hello today I want to blog about my two lovely seniors because ever since I briefly mentioned them on my blog about them saying I blog too much they've been asking me to blog about them again they are so nice HAHAHAHAHA.

Even got pictures one!! NOT SHY. And LOL @ Laymian's finger in one of the shots HAHAHAHA damn funny Sheryl was like LAYMIAN WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM cause she kept putting her hand there to block the camera HAHA damn funny they all!!

And today a cat came into school and it came into my class in the morning and it's damn cute la!! It scratched and bit Ah Tan and Guijin but it didn't do that to me AWW she loves me. Yeah they say it was a she even though I HAD ALREADY NAMED IT HARRY. It's super cute can! Keep meowing and it's super friendly!!! LOL like we go up play with Harry she also won't run away (except for during recess when me and GJ and Tan went to find her I screamed and was so happy when we saw her so I ran to her and she ran a bit away from me but after a while I think she recognized us!!!). She's so cute and the whole recess me and Tan were just like following her and watching her clean herself/fight with a lizard/try to sleep.

I miss Harry :(. I took like 104 photos and videos of Harry but I shall post them all up next time heh just a few now CAUSE A LOT DAMN CUTE :(. AND HARRY DESERVES A WHOLE POST TO HERSELF AND HER 104 PHOTOS BECAUSE I LOVE HER SO MUCH.

Differentiation test tomorrow and I apologize for the awkward arrangement and sequence of photos taken today in this post.... But argh this blogger app :(.