
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hi Sheri and Sheryl.

Hello today I want to blog about my two lovely seniors because ever since I briefly mentioned them on my blog about them saying I blog too much they've been asking me to blog about them again they are so nice HAHAHAHAHA.

Even got pictures one!! NOT SHY. And LOL @ Laymian's finger in one of the shots HAHAHAHA damn funny Sheryl was like LAYMIAN WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM cause she kept putting her hand there to block the camera HAHA damn funny they all!!

And today a cat came into school and it came into my class in the morning and it's damn cute la!! It scratched and bit Ah Tan and Guijin but it didn't do that to me AWW she loves me. Yeah they say it was a she even though I HAD ALREADY NAMED IT HARRY. It's super cute can! Keep meowing and it's super friendly!!! LOL like we go up play with Harry she also won't run away (except for during recess when me and GJ and Tan went to find her I screamed and was so happy when we saw her so I ran to her and she ran a bit away from me but after a while I think she recognized us!!!). She's so cute and the whole recess me and Tan were just like following her and watching her clean herself/fight with a lizard/try to sleep.

I miss Harry :(. I took like 104 photos and videos of Harry but I shall post them all up next time heh just a few now CAUSE A LOT DAMN CUTE :(. AND HARRY DESERVES A WHOLE POST TO HERSELF AND HER 104 PHOTOS BECAUSE I LOVE HER SO MUCH.

Differentiation test tomorrow and I apologize for the awkward arrangement and sequence of photos taken today in this post.... But argh this blogger app :(.


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