
Thursday, August 16, 2012


I wanted to post yesterday but photos couldn't upload GRR. There was an error and I am so sad :'( cause I had pictures of Korean BBQ that my best fwen gave me a treat to *_*.

This is the list of the many things that I want to do (and eat) cause I keep thinking "OH YAY END OF PRELIMS LET'S GO AND CELEBRATE" though I know O's start in like 2 months 2 days....

2. Cineleisure beadstreet to buy iPhone casing.
3. Soup spoon.
4. Spotlight to buy stuff for diy bracelets.
8. Taiwan chicken cutlet :9.
9. Muji to buy bag.
10. Daohuey :-(.
11. Saizeriya at Liang court!

Lol damn pathetic only one done HAHAHA. Anyway got back all of my prelims papers already :-(.

Paper 1: 39/60
Paper 2: 17/50
Oral: 23/40 (okay this left me depressed for like three days)
Overall: 51.6/100

I got *drum roll*.............. 7/25 for comprehension. Wtf Jerlyn wtf Jerlyn. On the (not so) bright side, 7/25 is probably the 2nd highest in my class after 9/25. The whole class got single digit so..... Happy about situational though! 22/30! Glad that pulled up my overall score.

E Maths:
Paper 1: 61/80 :-(
Paper 2: 85/100
Overall: 81/100

Quite happy with this because the paper was much harder than any other exams and I still was able to maintain my 80 marks LOL I always seem to get 80-82 for Maths. I expected to get a 75 or so for this paper so yay.

A Maths:
Paper 1: 50/80
Paper 2: 63/100
Overall: 62.8/100

DAMN HAPPY UNTIL CANNOT HAPPY ALREADY TEEHEE. The paper was especially hard and I didn't even expect to be able to get a B! Almost cried when I got back paper 1 cause I thought paper 1 was harder than 2 even though like so many others said Paper 2 was harder o_o. MUST MUST MUST MAINTAIN THIS B4 OR GET EVEN HIGHER! I LOVE A MATHS!!!!!! I LOVE YOU MR LOO :B.

Sci Physics:
Paper 1: 8/20
Paper 2: 34/65
Practical: 8/15
Overall: 50/100 (BARELY PASSED....)

No words to say :-(. Extremely depressed about Physics.

Sci Chemistry:
Paper 1: 8/20
Paper 3(?): 45/65
Practical: 5/15
Overall: 58/100

MEH. Teacher told me I got like 20+ for section A for paper 3 which was like out of 45 marks and she told Agnes and Shirong they got 30+ marks and very good cause 'expected of a once pure student'. Okay la I mean ya 31 also quite close to 20+ and not really very good of a 30+ but it's not THAT far from 36 which they both got mah *defends myself*. Just very sad cause it left me so demoralized. Okay la I still did badly so I really got no rights to say anything :-(.

Social Studies:
SBQ: 12/25
SEQ: 19/25
Overall: 31/50

Happy that one of my essays got 11/12 even though it was a type of essay that I have never been tested on and only knew about it like one or two days before ^_^. Not very happy cause I still believe I can actually score an A1 for SS like in EOY last year when I got like 45/50 lol. But relieved I passed la cause I was damn stressed about SS LOL.

Social Studies:
Section A: 15/25
Section B: 17/25
Overall: 32/50

Again not very happy cause usually my Lit exams score A one :-(. But again relieved that I even got a B because I didn't really research THAT much or enough on The Good Earth. Didn't really focus a lot on Lit :-(.

Got to buck up for my O Level's :-(. Don't want to get 19 for L1R4. MT O Level AND DPA admission results are BOTH tomorrow and I'm so scared. If I get into Ngee Ann Poly through this DPA I don't think I'll retake Chinese so that I can actually focus on my other subjects better!!!!! WISH ME LUCK.

Btw I totally screwed English O Level oral's conversation section part today and I bet I said like over 50 'like's in my answer haizzzz too nervous but nothing I can do anymore :-( WHAT'S DONE IS DONE T_T. Hope my other sections will pull me up!!!

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