
Friday, April 6, 2012

Instagram photos week 8!

Rather less photos this week because it has been a hectic hectic week :-(. Good Friday was this week also so yay holiday. Although Friday is my slack day cause we're released at like 1.40 as opposed to the usual 3.25 but yay because I get to skip 2.4 and the 4 periods of Chinese :-). 

Sitting on new balcony chair eating konyaku jelly #thisisthelife. 

Sweater Mark lent me! 

Kengpum teaching Gan POA lulz like cheem only. 

Microwaved spaghetti for dinner HAHA LOOKS SO GROSS. 

Mac's for dinner with Weiling on Thursday after band :-). 

Jiwon's and Weiling's cotton candy! 

Rings from trip to town with Gan and Weiling hehehe. 

3am hokkien mee for supper HAHAHA yum. 

Waiting for Gan to upload yesterday's photos! Spent like 80 bucks sigh. 

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