
Sunday, April 1, 2012


I'm not very good with emotional blog posts and I'll only (most) probably end up deleting this whole post after I read it again for the third time and realized how stupid and ridiculous I sound but oh well at least I'll try. Well anyway.

No doubt been having some kind of drama in my life right now.

This is the kind of thing I've been dreading and trying to avoid when I hung out more with the guys last year. But after all I still am a girl, and sometimes it's kinda nice to have some girl support.

Well these few days has got me thinking about the friends I've lost, and the friends I've gained over these past few months. There was a period of time when I'd neglected 3/4 of my friends because I thought other things were more 'important' and when that period stopped, I finally truly realized the importance of my friends around me and I am truly grateful for those who have been sticking with me even after all these years.

I have the new friends like Kengpum, Nelson, Daryl (Ang), Gan, Jiwon, Ruiqi. People I never expected I'd knew or even be close to. Up till now, it is kinda surprising how many new good friends I can make if I pushed the other unnecessary things aside (I don't mean family or studies la). I mean, it's not everyday where you make friends with people older or younger than you by a few years, with the guy who's been classmates with you but never really talked to for three years until now, with the girl you used to not like because she'd always disturb you for no rhyme and reason.. But suddenly grow to love when you realized how good a person she really is. I mean.. It is kinda unexpected, but in a good way isn't it :-)?

(Edit: Ruiqi told me she didn't remember disturbing me in lower sec which was why I didn't like her LOL she said she only knew she wanted to know and be my friend WAH HONOURABLE LOL)

Of course, I can't forget the friends whom I've already known for a few years :-) and are surprisingly still with me! The old goodies (HAHA); Kailun, Ng, Timothy, Weiling, Kimberly, Jannelle and so many others.. Like I've known them for so long their names just seems like a part of me and it seems so natural to say (or in this case type but bah details) in a way which sounds yes ridiculous but ridiculously true. These are the friends I can (fortunately) insult and call names and they wouldn't care.. Instead they'd find another worser insult to call me. For example right now I'm having this insult fight with Weiling who claims her fishes died cause they heard my name :-(. HAHA omg. These are the friends who became friends with me even though I was the most unglamorous person in sec one HAHA. I was so cute though LOL. Except in Kailun's case.. Because we've known each other since we were in P4 (or technically in P5 because I never knew he existed then LOL) and he has no doubt seen me in my worst (sec one and P6 D-:) and best (P5!) years. HAHA and I do love all these people to death this paragraph for them is just truly not enough to suffice. We're in different classes now but our love stays ~*~sTr0nG~*~. You may now puke of over mushiness.

Erm... And this is where my blog post might turn to be slightly more depressing then the previous few paragraphs. But with friends you've gained, there has to be friends you've lost.

Those are the friends who were once really close to me, until we kind of drifted apart slowly. It's like we don't admit the fact, but it's something both parties have already come to accept. Friends i have under this category i still speak to like in casual terms, but we don't talk about our problems and such like we used to. And sometimes it's like you miss those times with them, but this time apart might make you realize maybe they're not so great as you used to think they were or vice versa. Speaking of which, I miss Zoon Shang.. There are times when I would get so annoyed by him, but I do really still love him. The fact that he's in sec two and I'm in sec four doesn't help, because our schedules always seem to clash. We used to stay back together a lot, but now I don't even see him that often anymore. I miss Andy too. I guess it's not hard to pick up the fact that I rarely talk about him on my blog anyway. Haha.

I guess there's not much point in this really random blog post. This isn't me trying to aim at someone or anything in that manner, it just got me to think of all this and I guess I needed somewhere to express myself. If anyone's going to get offended by anything I say here (or even this paragraph).. Then be it. I don't really find a reason for me to explain myself and my thoughts. Haha.

And on an unrelated note, my hair is way past (in my opinion la) my shoulders and it's getting kind of annoying hmmmm but no I must restrain from cutting it haha. Kengpum keeps asking me to cut my hair because apparently he likes my short hair better and I wanted to trick him by saying I really did cut it today for April Fool's but Sunday is Kengpum goes MIA day because he has tuition and it's his rest day so I couldn't :-(. Well anyway goodnight!

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