
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Instagram pictures week 6!

HAHA no time to blog about this on Friday so pictures have accumulated........... ohai. 

Seaweed friessssss. 

Wraps for lunch yum yum. 

Tried wagyu beef! Didn't like it. 

Melted matcha ice cream that a lot of people apparently found gross!! 

HAHA Stitch stickers from Yoshinoya kid's meal when I ate there with Gan last Tuesday :). 

Rearranged my corkboard/whiteboard! Spot the difference! 

Kinda cute in a ridiculous way bowties band had to wear during Brillante while every other performing arts could wear home clothes/costumes zzz.

Supper fat liao loh. 

Pastel chalks from Daiso! 

Key ring from Australia that I just recently digged out to use. 

Obsession of the month. 


Rose on Kallang Theatre's stage after Brillante IV HAHA. 


Farid's drawing for his Art O Level board, pen rendering ooh~. 

Getting ready candy for house warming! 

LOL some instrument recorder thing my mum brought back from Taiwan. 

Played Wii after like the longest time in my brother's room! 

And my new tattoo. How badass. 

Oh today I actually wanted to study for my seven tests next week but realised two of the tests that I have to like memorize the most things are both on Thursday so I kinda slacked off a bit.... heh. Besides today is Sunday my father has been playing around with our new TV (that's why our old plasma TV is in my brother's room lucky ass!!) and blasting music and all and I can't seem to concentrate HAHA #excuses. 

HAHA Farid and Azwan. 

Found this photo on 9Gag and the guy on the right LOOKS exactly like Amit!!! 

LOL here's a picture of Amit in a Percussion group shot (bottom left) like two years ago so he looks a bit younger. Originally wanted to post an individual photo of him and but will risk looking like a creepy stalker so I took this instead because I am in the shot too HAHA so creepy stalker factor is decreased LOL. And I showed this to the drama club guys who went to eat Mac with us after Brillante and Zaid set it as my wallpaper LOL sigh. 

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