
Friday, February 10, 2012

MPS session.

Slept forty minutes during Chinese. Heh. 

Didn't go for PE cause was still feeling unwell. Boo. 

Failed out of focus shot of the class during PE LOL. 

Volleyball which me and Agnes didn't get to play with the class but after we packed finish everything and the class was running 2.4 we faster take one ball play among ourselves LOL. 

My class people rich. LONGCHAMP WALLET. 

Andy entrusted his watch and uniform to me AWW. 

Random picture of the (finished) hashbrown (wrapper) Guijin treated me to. 

I originally told him to buy Cinnamon Melts for me cause I knew I had a cough and hashbrowns were not good for me :( but when he asked where they sold Cinnamon Melts and I told him McCafe HE DIDN'T RECEIVE MY MESSAGE AND THEN NEVER BUY :(. But aww anyway thanks Guijin :)! 

Then after recess and lunch was assembly (which I sat beside behind my love h3h3h3) and got scolding zzz. Okay la we deserved it but I don't think they even know what most of us were probably laughing at! Then MT afternoon programme............... did email and finished it in like 15 minutes before the period ends then teacher let us go earlier if we hand in already! And went for lunch with rest of Clique 4! 

I ordered a kid's meal and they didn't give me my free toy *bangs fork on table*. 

Jannelle looks especially cute here, no? AHAHAHAHAHA. 


Weiling who totally skipped school cause she was sick

Oh Jannelle. 

LOL and here's Kimberly telling us her love story with fish AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. 

Library toilet when Weiling went to pay her fines LOL. 

And then back to school for MPS for council duty and to watch the softball match (support Jianhong!!!!) and a picture of Zac Tan on the piano cause I was watching him play when that asdfghjkl Kengpum pangseh me :(


Oh LOL and today my skirt the buckle thing came off so I needed a safety pin or a name tag I could use for replacement so I borrowed Kengpum's name tag.

Then I was like eh, why your name tag no surname one? Then Jacob who heard went to joke say cause his surname too long already LOL then Kengpum was like, ya really, cause too long already then the aunty who sell the name tag say he'll need like three name tags or something if he put his surname in LOL damn joke can!!!!!!!

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