
Friday, February 3, 2012

Gourmet Express at Night Safari.

74 pictures in this post okay!!!!!!!

After our 5th stop to bainian went straight to Night Safari! 

Yes I wore heels there you may laugh now. 


Cocktail reception area. And Uncle Daniel took the whole safari theme seriously LOL. He went around acting like a legit staff there. 

And so when he saw this young man in home clothes walk past us he wanted to like pretend he was like one of the staff there LOL. 

Uncle Dan: Hello there do you need any help? Like are you lost?
Young man: Er..... I work here. 


Pamelia who was clearing up the plates LOL. 


Then finally tram boarding! 

We had like total VIP treatment throughout the whole night I swear people were refering to us as Gourmet guests (LOL), and like they booked like two whole rows for us at the animal show later at night and were like if you need to go to the toilet I'll be right there and like when we stopped for our main course there was this really nice man who'd bring me and Jingwen to the toilet and even like wait for us to walk us back to the tram! And like our tram was super special la, got tables and everything!!!!!!!!! Other trams only had chairs LOL. 

Bar counter even behind us!!!!!! AND A WAITRESS TO SERVE US ON THE TRAM. 

Picture kopped from Jingwen's twit pic that I posted here before LOL. 

AND BEHOLD. Kaiboon's like awesome photography skills LOL damn funny can! 

LOL okay this one really not bad. 

Chio but why blur :(. 



LOL okay these two horrendous photos is I take one LOL NO FLASH ALLOWED SIAN :(. 
So throughout the night I was using my iPhone to take pictures FOR MY BLOG WHY AM I SO DEDICATED then I ownself cannot enjoy the view cause I too busy snapping pictures and getting frustrated  when my iPhone keeps lagging LOL. 


And then we stopped at this place to have our soup and main course! 
LOL our tram guide. I bumped his head before we took this picture OK CAN. And I had a massive hole in my hair fringe day :(. 

Lobster bisque! 


Like 12989012 thousand huge chunks of lobster in the bisque. You may all cry now. 

LOL JINGWEN. Can you see the butter EVEN THE BUTTER LOOK SO CHIO. I loved the bread and butter the most LOL. The salmon thing after that LOL. 

The nice man who brought us to the toilet gave us some facts about the animals and even brought us to see them! 
Legit zebra crossing LOL. 

Our tram! 

Main course freaking cod fish with sea urchin sauce all cry now. I don't really like cod fish so I regretted not getting the beef steak which I didn't choose cause I thought will have a lot of fats but don't have at all T_T. 

But Kaiboon was really nice he shared his steak with us LOL when all four of us shifted to sit at one table to eat together aww and I gave him some of my codfish. 


We even got free animal dolls!!! 

Jerlyn: Ma, why your animal dolls facing there one? 
My mum: Cause later can see their friends and say bye mah! *says bye in the most ridiculous high pitched voice*. 

The chef and uncle Dan. 


Mango pudding and some cake thing underneath! Couldn't bear to eat this LOL so I ate the fruits first and slowly savoured the dessert LOL. 


Then we left the tram :( and went to catch the animal show! Didn't have to rush cause BAHAHA we got seats booked for us. 
Again, horrible lighting to take photos :(. LOL. 

Memorable night, thank you so so so much a hundred thousandth millionth time to my aunt and uncle for bringing the whole family with you guys to get to like enjoy like crazy awesome VIP treatment the whole night on the tram especially LOL I was like damn excited la I couldn't stop smiling and me and Jingwen were like :') the whole night LOL cause of the food. Omg I want to go again just for the bread and butter and the lobster bisque and the salmon thing and the potato thing LOL. And I almost lost my lens cap but I found it under my butt LOL. 

And the next day after this I had an E Maths test. And this post is so long all my CNY posts are on the next page LOL. I shall stop blogging now FINALLY FINISHED BLOGGING THE PICTURES FROM CNY DAY ONE AND TWO AND NIGHT SAFARI BAHAHAHA someone give me a round of applause please. I have an issue................. I blog too much. 

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