
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Brillante IV iPhone pictures!

Shit ass quality photos from iPhone but aww had to post them up. 

First day of PA camp! 
Afifah, Clarabelle, me and Gan. 


LOL at Shaik in the background. Anticlimactic only. 

Day before Brillante IV! 
Check out the fancy makeup table lights! Azwan potential show girl. 

Me and slutboy! 

Me and Gan! 

Hehe Soh! 



Someone tell me how can one not love my lesbians awwwww. 



LOL Azwan dancing when all of the Percussionists in the room (except Gongchuen my skinny junior) were sitting on the makeup table desk thing in front of the whole band tuning up HAHA. 

Shengrong's iPhone life saving charger. 

HAHA drama club members on stage! From left: Toby, Ahmad, Zaid, Aikel, Afiq, girl in black shirt, Danish?, Nesh (sp?), Farid and another girl in black shirt LOL. 

Actual Brillante IV! 

Gan potential model. 
And LOL at Soh (again). Weiling forever glam la. 

Backstage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were already ready backstage like one hour before the concert LOL. 

LOL Aikel wanted to take a picture so this is what he took...... best angle I tell you. 


I can do better! My face looks weirdly angled here but nvm can take picture with Aikel (and his makeup) HAHAHA. 

Gan, Soh, me, (caught off guard) Sheng Rong, Clarabelle, and shy Choonchin LOL. 

Me and Azwan HAHA. 

LOL AT GAN DANCING. We were all dancing and singing backstage when different songs were playing before the concert started! 

Percussion group photo without Danish and Ali because Danish was the main actor so he had to be in front! Ali's wrist broke :(. 

LOL and sialah, so Danish's character had to like get all of the band members to gather in front of the stage so after he said Band gather! He would call names like Shaharuddin and Azwan and Shengrong to like add on to the atmosphere. And then before the concert started, Azwan and Shengrong (who were supposed to pretend to be chatting with me before the band gathered) told Danish to call me too!!! LOOOL so the actual performance he called all three of them and I was like oh he not going to call me BUT HE DID LOL #onesecondoffame lololololol. 

And when this love song was playing when we were still backstage HAHA Azwan who was beside me started pretending to serenade me with all hang signals and stuff LOL THEN OUR CONDUCTOR AND DANISH WHO WERE IN FRONT STARED AT AZWAN LOL and when Azwan found out he faster turn to serenade to Shengrong instead HAHA psh. 

Before finale! 

While waiting for our turn to go up to dance HAHA. 

One mediacorp actor is on the stage dancing! Sigh I helped others take pictures of him and I never got a chance to take a picture with him :'(...................................... #lifeoftheonewiththecamera. 

Biscuit Sheenaz gave me and Timothy after the concert and packing up LOL. 

Sigh I'm going to miss band :(. 

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