
Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Guess who got voted the best handwriting in English class!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I was using my phone so I didn't know what was going on and why she circled my answer and other's answers on the board then she say this all handwriting nice and then she asked so who's has the nicest handwriting AND SHE CHOSE ME~.

LOL and please take like five seconds to gawk at Aloysius' and Timothy's face. Aloysius was trying to block my camera so I couldn't take a picture of my nice handwriting being circled on the board and Timothy had turned to exclaim to me about my handwriting being the nicest LOL.
Mrs Lee: Euphemism is a less harsh and more indirect word used to replace a more harsh and direct word. For example.. Vertically challenged and short.
Aloysius and Cheukheng: LIKE JERLYN.

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