
Friday, January 27, 2012

Dropping of subjects.

Haha, that's right. I've decided to drop Pure Chemistry and Pure Physics. I worked so hard to be able to take Pure Science's in Sec Two but realized I can't cope and can't score well for my Pure when I came to Sec Three, so I decided to drop.

Which kinda sucks, because I gave up taking Art so that I could take Pure. If I had known I'd end up wanting to go Poly instead I would probably have opted to take combined and Art instead.

Just hope that I'll be able to score below 13 for my L1R4. Shall do A Maths now :B. No idea if I got do correctly or not the fourth question LOL. And I don't know what to write in the form under subject combination so I just wrote everything LOL. Second time getting this form..... First time was when I failed my A Maths during End Of Year Exams boo.

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