
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Phillip Yeo.

I'm very sad Andy has fallen in love with Phillip Yeo 他不要我了 :(.

Got back four tests today. I DON'T WANT TALK ABOUT WHAT I GOT BECAUSE I SUCK. Physics test tomorrow I'm going to sleep and wake up at around 8.30 or 9 later to study again.

And today I was finishing up Chem during lunch so I can have more time to do other subject homework also after school and Guijin and Jiayi was like wah you doing homework ah, today need hand in that's why you rushing right? LOL I VERY BAD STUDENT MEH HUH HUH HUH. Today I found a sour gummy burger that had like two parts sour!!!!

Stayed back today myself while Kim was somewhere else doing a test or something and Andy asked me to sit with Weijian and Daniel and him hehehe and did 11/12 of my essay homework.

This particular group of bloody sec three's and two's bloody noisy push canteen chairs downs bang table spray water everywhere throw everything on the floor until whole canteen dirty scream here scream there. Bloody hell, you all think what, your damn house ah. Eh please la, canteen also got other people want to bloody do their work right. Not only today you so bloody noisy. Not the first, nor the second or the third time. Every bloody week I have to endure your bloody nonsense. Eh please la, how old already. Scream scream scream like monkey. Spend that time and study la. Want fight go other place fight la. Fight then stare then push the chairs down. Seriously la, grow up.

So annoyed I swear I had to leave early before I stuff pencils up their bloody nose and chop their heads off. Zzz.

Lol okay that aside. Today I went to rewrite everything on the board and it all looked so prettyyyyyy. But...... It looks so demoralizing LOL cause only like our class has so much things on the boards LOL.

Ahh physics test. Boo.

Edit: Fail I actually woke up at like 11 to study ahhhhhhh jiayou Jerlyn :(. Thanks Nelson Andy and Kengpum who I have been complaining to and who have been answering my Physics questions!!!! I am now like studying in the kitchen and drinking milo cause I like to pretend Milo will make me smarter LOLLOL. Goodnight!

Monday, January 30, 2012

An issue.

I think I talk too much about Andy here LOL it's kinda creepy! So therefore from now on I shall resist!!!!!!!!!!!! Boo :(. But I'm very happy nowadays hehehe :B.

Oh lol today I got back my SS and English and I totally failed the two tests. WHO FAILS FOUR OUT OF FIVE TESTS?????????? ONLY ME -.-. And I bet the ratio of failed tests to passed tests is going to keep deproving or remain the same...... Cause I'm stupid.

Okay la, SS was really my fault cause for some reason I didn't study much and I thought I did pretty well... But I guess I sucked and my format sucked and I got 6/13. Haha first time I failed in such a long time lol first essay I got was 5/13 but then subsequently (so cheem right) I got like 12/13, 11/13 and lowest was like 10/13 so 6/13 was a pretty big blow even though I didn't really have my hopes up too high. There's a retest though but we have to use like a format we just learnt lol and I'm not even sure what topic is going to come out. And on the date of the SS test I also have Chemistry Common Test sian sian sian laaaaa.

Lol. I wrote good points for English but it didn't answer the question.

Can you tell me why I suck so much?????? I know you're supposed to be motivated to work harder but how do you expect me to be motivated when I keep failing tests? The only one I passed so far was A Maths and even this week's A Maths test was..... Asdfghjkl. Lol, just hope I can pass my other tests which I haven't get back yet lol. Up to this week's Thursday so far we've already had 11 tests scheduled. Ahhh lol fml.

And it's 3am now I slept at like 9 just know and just woke up ahhhhhhhh lol. Even Andy's not awake :(.

Jerlyn: Teacher, what's another word for helpless?
Teacher(halfway across the room): Another word for topless???
Mark and Aloysius: Jerlyn!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

I apologize.

For not blogging properly in like 785 years.

Here are pictures from the last two days and today. I went to NTUC at Jurong at 1.45 am. Nothing weird! And I took like shitloads (lie it's just like four) pictures of my A Maths work just because it's rare of me to,

1. Do A Maths homework.
2. Especially if it's one of those Mastery worksheets.
3. And do homework at home.

But apparently I'm starting to quite enjoy doing homework at home (which is where you're supposed to do it in the first place cause errr duh homework) (GASPS), and doing A Maths (DOUBLE TRIPLE QUADRUPLE GASPS). Probably cause its my favourite topic Trigonometry how can one not love Trigo :).

And a photo of my call with Andy because........... DOES ANDY EVER CALL YOU GUYS TO TALK ON THE PHONE. Noooooooo~. LOL I kid....... Pee. Haha it was like 5 minutes and there is a very good reason for it but it's a very awkward reason. Heh.

Green tea beancurd and sushi is good food.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Dropping of subjects.

Haha, that's right. I've decided to drop Pure Chemistry and Pure Physics. I worked so hard to be able to take Pure Science's in Sec Two but realized I can't cope and can't score well for my Pure when I came to Sec Three, so I decided to drop.

Which kinda sucks, because I gave up taking Art so that I could take Pure. If I had known I'd end up wanting to go Poly instead I would probably have opted to take combined and Art instead.

Just hope that I'll be able to score below 13 for my L1R4. Shall do A Maths now :B. No idea if I got do correctly or not the fourth question LOL. And I don't know what to write in the form under subject combination so I just wrote everything LOL. Second time getting this form..... First time was when I failed my A Maths during End Of Year Exams boo.


Just got back from Haji Lane (lie I came back like one hour ago) and decided to upload all the photos to FB before taking a nap first so like don't waste time la, LOL. Then when click everything to upload already I not sleepy any more. Boo :( *thumbsdown. White carrot cake for dinner h3h3h3z because I was craving for it but the asdfghjkl line for it so long just now at MBS so I didn't buy it :(.

So today I went to Tampines Mall>Marina Bay Sands>ArtScience Museum>Marina Bay Sands>Haji Lane>Home. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh like I'm not supposed to be going out and stuff cause I'm supposed to study but ahhhh I really wanted to go see the Titanic exhibition which was damn interesting la btw but couldn't take pictures in the exhibit (duh) so boo :(. Went with Aaron, Yeow Chung, Ng (sorry!) and Kim! BLOG ABOUT IT WHEN THE PHOTOS FINISH UPLOADING (44/104 only LOL).

And today Hairie went to get his pay cause HR called him BUT HAVENT CALL ME so I asked him to help me check and he said they said I could come and collect already just on weekday and before 6.30 and at 5.50 I was like... Kim.... Should I go and get my pay now????? LOL then Kim was so sweet everybody say aww *aww* she followed me all the way to Raffles Hotel and even waited outside in the hotel for me while I went down to the basement part where all the staff is (ahh... I miss the place even though I said I would never miss it but I do now boo) and I collected my pay at like 6.30 (SO EXACT LOL) in like less than 5 minutes.


I was expecting lesser LOL so I was like wut when I saw 100 on the cheque h3h3h3z. And I didn't get the two boxes of cookies and water bottle that Agnes got................... because they ran out...................................... *facepalm*. But it's okay :(. I SAW MY CUTE SUPERVISOR TODAY he has a wife and a son but I don't care grrrr but I didn't go into the shop where he was cause all the superiors there and Kala and my other friend that I worked with weren't there :(. 

Abrupt ending I shall bathe now. 

Edited: UPLOADING THE PHOTOS WILL TAKE LONGER THAN I EXPECTED CAUSE I NEED TO DELETE ALL THE UGLY ONES AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AND FACEBOOK CRASHED ON MY COMPUTER BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :(. But it's okay. Good things must wait pretty pictures must wait also. H3h3h3z. And I can't be bothered to try again cause I can't even load Facebook zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Yinmin's dead skin.

So today Yinmin plucked part of his skin out. From his feet and then he threw it to me and Jianhong's chair area there and so I put it on his beloved Karqi's table and he gave the most epic face ever because Karqi is the most hygienic freak ever (besidea Timothy my slutboy). LOL huogai. Then he go and take his worksheet where the dead skin was and threw it on my chair wahlao. And that Yinmin every five minutes look at me and point at his dead skin and he'll be like... "Eh Jerlyn pass me my dead skin" ._____. Why oh why. All this in Mrs Wadwhani's class ahhhhhh I kept laughing LOL.

And you know Jannelle wants to steal my Andy away from me :'(. LOL and speaking of Andy he called me to talk just now and like barely fifty seconds later I think my cheek press until the end call button LOL. SAD.

Pictures from yesterday and today! Yinmin's dead feet skin, Jianhong's softball gloves, my bun that Ling tied for me, stupid pictures of me that Kengpum took, ALOYSIUS' FACE ON THE WALL, Gan's orange skin, game Mr Loo played in class today LOL, Gan's check in of me and Kengpum in Hawaii and Kengpum's hello kitty iPhone button sticker LOL DAMN JOKE LA PLEASE.

That's my attempt of writing captions so the pictures are better understood :(. Ahhhh blogger app why you like this one.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


LOL 2938822 reasons to why I love Andy (aww gnsd) but today he had to present in class for Lit and he was damn cute I swear LOL.

"So it's like, the class already very quiet, like can hear the crickets sound like that. But then, the author says the class scared until it was even more quiet than it already is, like even the cricket also scared."

Funniest shit I ever heard all day!!!!! Okay la obviously he didn't exactly say those words but quotations more cool and that was his whole point anyway :(!!!!!

AND TODAY WE GOT BACK A COMPO WE DID A FEW DAYS BACK AND SO MANY THAT I ASKED FAILED BUT I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I apologize for my obnoxious behavior but it's not everyday that I am given a reason to be like this!

Have pictures to post today but all in portrait mode and I don't really like cause it'll appear super small on my blog so I'll post that (and CNY celebrations photos) another day!

But for now I leave you with a rather chio picture of me (TO ME ONLY LA) albeit the awkward hand position that I kopped from Jingwen who took it at Night Safari yesterday. Goodnight!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Cause we all love to see my face.

FoReVa kUt3z. 


My fringe is so cute I'm beginning to like it more and more each day h3h3h3z. Reunion dinner with mum's side today, yesterday was father's side. Eat abalone eat until sian already LOL. And I slept after the dinner. PIG :( fat liao loh fat liao lohhhhhhhh. 

Oh and you know the other day my mum got me a cross connector ring cause when I went to TM with her I saw one that was 9.90 and she said she could find a cheaper one and she did yaayyyy omg lUrVe hEr sh0 muChz :*. 

LOL collating all the photos from yesterday's reunion dinner into a blog post but only halfway done cause my internet connection was being such a bitch just now and every like ten minutes no connection boo to the twenty seventh power >:(. Gonna add today's photos into that post too when I upload them all woooooooo.   

I apologize for this extremely random post but my hair was so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ADIOS.

P.S. Will someone please take like a few seconds to admire these gorgy chocolate cookies and pineapple tarts with gold sprinkles on them!!!!!!!!!!!